Reaching For Clear Skies.

Friday, April 27, 2018


Cheating as come to the forefront for me again. It's something that I could never understand. Being demisexual, infidelity has never been a fully fathomable thing in my head. I cannot be sexually attracted to someone unless I have a strong bond with them. Even when Denne and I fought a lot a few years back, I no longer found him attractive. 

I noticed that a lot of people seem to think that cheat is a normal "mistake" people make, that there is always a possibility that people can cheat due to a "moment of weakness". So this is my view on cheating, and why I will NEVER take back someone who has cheated on me.

Yes, humans are flawed. We are not perfect and we make mistakes on the daily. But not all mistakes are created equal are they. When you do something wrong, a "it was a mistake" is not always going to get you off the hook is it?

Yes, men are evolutionarily built to constantly mate with the young and most fertile female he as access to, and are evolutionarily built to mate with as many females as he can. Females are built to seek security. BUT, there is this thing we say a lot in evolutionary psychology - "just because we are build or programmed to do something, doesn't mean that it's ok." We are the most intellectually advanced species on this planet, and we got here because of our social nature. We branched off from chimps 7 million years ago, and great apes even further back than that. Those breeding behaviours evolved so that many offspring are fostered, ensuring the survival of the species. We are overpopulating the planet, there is no evolutionary or biological need for it. I think it's about time we stop blaming our "programming", and move on from those animalistic tendencies.

Yes, we cannot control what happens around us. As much as we cannot fully control whether or not we have a job, you cannot control how people approach you. As much as you think you can have a secure job, it could be thriving, but one day can fade into obscurity and you will be jobless. The great depression happened so suddenly and so unpredictably because one of the biggest banks in America went bankrupt. It's not something you can control. You can't control that people approach you and flirt with you. You can't control that people are interest in you or thirsts on you. You can't control when someone persistently pursues you, or throws themselves on you. BUT YOU HAVE CONTROL OF YOUR OWN ACTIONS. You can control whether or not you become a cheating ass hoe. It's you! If you cheat, YOU chose to cheat. It takes two to cheat. 

At the end of the day, cheating is a choice you make, with complete and utter lack of respect and love for your partner. It's a decision you make, with nothing but YOUR OWN INTERESTS in mind. It's selfish and self-serving. It's never ok to be cheated on, but people seem to be so ok with cheating on their spouses. If you truly love your spouse, cheating is not something you can even begin to entertain. If you truly love someone, no matter how beautiful or handsome someone else may be, it doesn't matter, because your spouse has much more than looks going for them. There is history, there is happiness, there is a connection and a sense of understanding of each other you share that no one else in the world can offer you. If this isn't how you feel in your current relationship, there is something very obviously wrong - and cheating is not the answer.