Life is Giving Me Lemons
Life has been shipping me a constant supply for lemons. I feel as though there are a few dozen crates at the moment. I feel the need to go catch with porky again. Recently, I've decided that I hated science. Not in that way, I love science and science has continued to make my life colourful, however, I feel as though I don't have the capacity to find a position within the research field. I have so much respect for those who are on the front line. Discoveries are made daily, and my mind is blown daily. However, I don't feel as though I can go through university as a bio-medical/research scientist and keep my sanity. I want a practical job, where I can be around the things I love. I want a job where my brain juices don't evaporate.
It was really hard for me to decide, considering that I really didn't have a clue in regards to what I am passionate about. After spending some time fishing, and having to to myself to think, I now know that working with animals and caring for animals is something that I definitely want to do. I always talk to Denne about fostering various types of animals when I get my own home. I always talk about dogs, cats, bats, otters, ANIMALSS!!! Denne really things that this is something I should pursue. I really wanted it too, however.... LEEEEMMMOOOONNNNSSS!!
The lowest qualification you can get is through TAFE, certificate III or IV in veterinary nursing. That is usual way to get there. I really don't want to only have a TAFE qualification. I want to do something and achieve something relatively high in my life. At least a bachelor degree of some sort. However, the only thing I can really find at the moment is at the University of Queensland in Gatton. Gatton, aka, 1 hours drive away. With that in mind, I wanted to have a massive search for courses after finishing exams. I planned to do that, along with getting work experience under my belt with volunteering at shelters and looking for work experience at clinics.
I thought I had it all planned out for a few weeks. Then I found out that the job has really bad pay. Maximum being $25 for senior/experienced nurses. Average weekly pay is under $800 and yearly wage usually is $35-$45K. The money isn't really a problem, that is until I think about it as a career and a way of living. My goal is to be able to make enough money to live comfortably, be able to give my children a comfortable life and to be able to give to the poor. I don't think its possible to do that with such a pay. I don't want to use 3-4 years of my life and a piss-tone of money, just to make around $20 (give or take) an hour...
Lots of bloody lemons atm, making those into lemonade is going to be a bitch, I don't even know where to start. Can I somehow sell these lemons .-. ~sigh