Reaching For Clear Skies.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Restaurant Rant #1

Look after your mother fucking children. Yes, I understand that it is hard to make your child stop having a temper tantrum, stop them screaming or stop them from acting how. HOWEVER, when your child is running around opening every fridge door in the restaurant, running up and down the walk ways, throwing food left and right, ITS YOUR JOB AS A PARENT TO TEACH THEM NOT TO ACT LIKE A LITTLE SHIT! I can't even stop to count the amount of times a parent was on their phone, facebooking away whilst they have a big bowl within arms reach. Guess what happens? Oh my, the baby whacked it over. The amount of times where parents would let and infant eat by itself, and allow the infant to throw food within a one fucking metre radius. I understand if you do that at home, great, you can clean it up yourself. But what makes people think that it is ok for other to clean up the mess that you allow your child to make. It is our job to bring you food, but it doesn't mean you  make it hard on us. Be thoughtful, if you wouldn't like to clean up after some lazy asshole's disgusting child, then we wouldn't too, whether it is a part of our job or not. It's like you wouldn't shit and smear your shit all over the walls and seats of the public toilet, thinking, "oh, its the janitor's job to clean it," like an asshole.

Control your children and don't be an inconsiderate ass. 

Ps. when parents later say, "sorry about the mess guys," when there is go food all over the floor under their table, around their table, and a bit under the neighbouring tables...
*trying to smile* "its ok. thank you so much, have a nice day"