Reaching For Clear Skies.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

A Suffering Man Is Now Free

Grandpa took his last breath last Tuesday, 2nd of August 2016. Fifth Uncle went down to change his diaper as per usual in the afternoon. Grandpa turned around, vomited and exhaled for the last time.  Grandma was also in the room. Uncles and Aunts started to call mum and every other relative outside the country. All aunts in Australia, along with mum booked the first flight to Viet Nam. Mum still needed her VISA approved so that she could leave the next night. I haven't prayed so hard for anything for along time. Although I was already able to convince mum to arrange to go see Grandpa before he passes, she wasn't able to make it in time. First I was feeling really blue, but the second I saw mum, I could tell she was absolutely gutted. I just hope she doesn't regret not being able to see him before he died. 

Anywho, I wasn't able to go to Viet Nam since my passport has expired. It took a while for my licence to come in, so even if I did the passport thing asap, I still wouldn't have made it. Despite that,. I still deeply regret it. I wasn't able to be there to support mum during her most difficult time, and I wasn't able to see grandpa off.

The day after mum left for Viet Nam, I burned some offerings for grandpa since I didn't know what day he would be cremated.

 What I wanted most was to get him a suit, or clothing of some sort. He had to wear sets of the same clothing, every day for the last decade. I was really adamant on this, and despite Denne's lack of understanding towards these things, he did so much to help me out. He was able to get the joss paper I wanted while I was at work, and he there the whole time, comforting me while I sat there burning this paper and crying.  

Afterwards, I was told that Grandpa was being cremated on Monday (9th Aug). So I dropped to the shops to get myself Copper joss paper specifically, and then a bunch of other stuff. I burnt the giant copper joss paper stuck first, so it's not in this picture, but this is everything else. Traditional Chinese/Vietnamese clothing, coin paper, LOTS of paper money and other small stuff. 

Still struggle to come to term with everything. Still worried about mum.