Reaching For Clear Skies.

Monday, June 24, 2013

This guy named Leo

Story time! (Yay I'm telling a story to a computer ... I need a life =3)
The story of how the stray Black Kitty fell into and stayed in the arms of a Lion

 I met this guy while I was in an utter pit, when I was broken as broken can get. I just stop seeing Hieu due to things that happened which crushed me even more, however I gave him the option of staying friends despite so, due to my messed up nature. I was at Hieu's house with someone who I was extremely close to, Michael. It eventually turned out that there would be two more of Hieus friend accompanying me, and once again, I was the only girl. At that point, being the only girl no longer bothered me as of the trust I have established with Michael. The two friends that joined us were Hoc and this guy.

We barely talked at all, he was the silent type. The mysterious and distant type. I pondered whether it was because he was broken in some sense, or if it was just his nature. However, it did not stay my interest for long. I just carried on, being me, not giving a single fucks about anything and anyone.

We started to just take a few shots of my baby, Jim. Just me and this new guy. Words were exchanged. Stories were told. Again, not a single fucks given. We headed off to pool and the five of us shared a table for 2 hours, swapping in and out. At this point, I was at a place I loved. Playing pool, not caring about anything else but that. That is, until I swapped out. I noticed that this guy didn't do or play much. He was just slouching on the sofa, on his phone constantly. He suddenly asked me "Hey Squishy, How old are you". Like usual, i make them guess. After he guessed right, i had a sneak of his phone and saw that he wrote a message to someone my age. This made me have a What the fuck? moment, then a Whatever because of how often "these things" had been happening since the break up. So again, not a single fucks given. [Although now I wonder what it was and who it was to]

He was the straight forward type, his aura didn't do that trait justice too. The one line he said to me about taking a shot really got on my nerves and honestly it pissed me off. I just thought, You know my name, you know my face, you know my attitude. But bitch please, you don't know my story. It pissed me off to a point that I was like, Fuck this, I ain't going to even bother, and I put the drink down.

After i got home from Hieu's place, I got a friend request. And shit me not, it was him. Denne Tran. I thought, "Hummm, what an interesting way of spelling the name". After adding me, he talked to me. Ended up calling me Kitty. We continued to talk until 1-2 am if I'm not mistaken and I'm amazed that we opened up to each other to that point.

I don't know why, but from that point on he became "Leo". The protector of kitty. Things started to get rather weird after a bit of talking. He gave off a slight vibe that the other guys that liked me, accompanied with the distant and mixed messages. When we were online he was open. Yet in real life he was another person with the same voice and face.

He kept saying things like "You better not fall for me", "Please tell me you didn't fall for me", accompanied with things like "Kitty, please don't leave me" "I'll always be there for you, I won't be like the other guys that said it, I won't fall for you and leave you like the others did" and one day a sudden "I love you" "What do I have to do to make you believe me"

Leo really confused me. We got close to a point where we started to talk on skype a lot, text a lot and even stay up to ridiculous hours just talking about the most stupid shit. One day, he decided to ask me to go to a park with him. So we did, but due to certain circumstances, we went to Hieu's house instead. He had chats during the ride, and he mentioned that he was going to wear a stitch onesie and it made me think. "Damn, this guy has guts. And its adorable that he has a onesie. Doesn't seem like the type, but okay?"

So went to Hieu's place. Played pool on the table there for a few hours. Then Hieu and Leo left to pick people up. Leo ended up actually coming in the stitch onesie and lord it was cute. Saw him in another light. Messed around and teased him, saw cracks of a smile many times, yet it seemed as if he was trying to hide it. I was going to Peter's 18th birthday party afterwards and I needed something to eat cause I knew I was going to drink. Denne asked if I wanted to eat some of his noodles, and we ended up sharing. I knew that since little Khanh was going to be at the party, I might be drinking a lot. Took 500-600 photos... I know... amazing. I was pretty confident in myself. Like holy shit. The drinks i counted were; at least 6-8 shots of Jim, a few of Midori, and at least 5 Red Lable Rum. Lost count after the 5th one, but damn... It tasted BEAUTIFUL. All that, not to mention Khanh feeding me too. It was a night to remember

Anywho, things progressed and we found that we both kept wanting to spend time together. However, he didn't want to do anything because people saw that I "belonged to Hieu" because he liked me. It was blaintly obvious that he liked me, and it was starting to show that I was starting to feel the same too.  Things happened and on Saturday the 8th of June, in my living room. He popped the question. And now we are official.

I know that I've been comparing things in this relationship to the last in the beginning, and honestly I've only really stopped very recently. And to be transparent, I was scared too. I was scared of being hurt again because of how broken I was and am. I kept being scared of him only wanting to be with me because he wasn't been in a relationship for years, and apparently no one has really ever been interested in him. But now... nothing of that sort is present. The things he does and the things he says makes me feel so secure and loved. Everyday he wants to see me. Simple things he says, makes gives me butterflies. "Kitty, I miss you... Can I just drop by", "Lien...I love you", "Daisuki, Leo Daisuki kitty!". He does the most amazing things, maccers runs in the middle of the night, just to see me for a second, just for a hug. He spoils me so much that it just kills me inside. Only 3 weeks, yet so many dates. Going to play pool, eating at sunnybank, chilling at his place and at mine. Meeting his parents and his brothers. Sitting at the park just chilling. Kisses  and hugs. Carrying me around, sometimes even with just one arm. At this point, just the sight of him gets me  so damn excited it drives me nuts. Its to the extent where I go out of my way to try and look good for him. Painting my nails, wearing perfume, heels  and all. Like holly shit, I'm actually giving so many shits.

I can honestly say that he makes so me happy, [Like Claudette says, "walking ball of happiness".] and that I've never felt this way before. This feeling is so new and so different, it just makes my heart skip a beat. Just a hug, just a kiss, just a pat on the head or even just a glimpse, gives me the tingles and makes me feel so bubbly. When we are together, its so hard to part, its so hard t resist when we are just right there. Eve over webcam, he says he would sleep at this time, but he ends up sleeping hours later. I want to do things right this time, because I want this to work so bad. I want to be with him, I want him to be mine as much as he wants me to be his.

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