Reaching For Clear Skies.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Key to a Relationship

I'm no expert at relationships, not at all lol. Its just I've experienced enough to understand that not relationships can really last unless there is communication. Don't think that you're being selfish when you voice your opinions and all. Me and Denne always have time where we just talk about things, just sitting down or laying in bed in each others arms, talking about things. There are things that should be addressed in the beginning of a relationship. If he or she really does love you, then they would compromised with you so that both parties can be happy. You would do the same too. For example, if you open up to him/her and she gives you attitude for it, if you don't say shit about it, you're going to end up tolerating the shit. Once your relationship becomes a relationship where both parties are tolerating each other, shit ain't going to last.

Guys and girls are so fucking different, we intemperate shit in different ways and deal with pain in different ways. The only way that shit can happen is if you actually have decent communication. 

Like seriously.. would you rather end things early, knowing that he/she is the wrong one for you, rather than getting heartbroken or breaking someones heart somewhere long down the line, thinking that they are the one... Like common, don't bullshit me. Just common sense really. If some guy that treat you in a way that you don't deserve to be treated, and if he isn't willing to compromise (note you will have to too) then why the fuck are you with him!?!?!?! This works the other way around too. If she gets under your fucking skin, and when you address things in a nice calm way, trying to improve the relationship and what not, and she doesn't give a shit... WTF ARE YOU DOING IN THE RELATIONSHIP.  like what the fucking fuck people, and you wonder why the fuck you end up unhappy or heartbroken.

Side story 
There are other things that makes me what the fuck too when it comes to relationships. These things usually happens in like late teen relationships.

1. Hiding shit from each other
I understand that everybody has their rights when it comes to privacy and all, but how do you expect your significant other to not begin to have suspicions. How do you expect there not to be at least an argument, when you are GOING out of your way to hide your phone and ipod or whatever device it is. I know that your significant other shouldn't be checking your phone like an insecure mother fucker, but if they ask and you have nothing to hide... WHY MAKE A FUSS OUT OF IT... what do you expect... god damn girl/dude ... think about it.

2. Trying to be the "cutest couple"
... Simply... get over yourself. If you really got to try that hard to look cute as a couple and get compliments.. then I'm sorry but you ain't a cute couple. I understand that you want people to see that you're a couple, but common... what are you 12 years old? When you're with friends, don't stick together as though you are super glued, give each other space to breathe at least.Why do you even care so much about being a cute couple though? Honestly, NO ONE REALLY GIVES A SINGLE FUCK. Like holly shit man. Get over it, you're a couple, cool. You're sharing that part of your life together, so are a million other couples out there. Like oh lord.