Reaching For Clear Skies.

Monday, October 31, 2016


Lately, I've been working really hard to compile recipes and alter recipes to make it my own. It's something I personally find very important. Denne and I have taken another step forward with our relationship. Although our plans to move out were cancelled (probably will post about it soon), we both have been talking about our plan to buy a house within the next 5 years. We are working towards a 50k deposit for a house. Not gonna be anytime soon, but 50k doesn't get shitted out of nowhere :L, so might as well start right?

This gives me more time to build upon my recipes and improve my cooking skills. I want to be able to provide Denne with mother fucking good food that he is going to be happy with every time he comes home. 

I've gotten roasts down packed. 

I've got steaks, mash pure, light salads, grilled sweet corn etc.

Gourmet burger patties

Crab ._. I'm not a fan of handling crabs yet. Those claws... even when they're dead...

Stocks, Broths and Hotpots

Perfected the basic recipe for French Macarons thanks to this amazing guide. Though I altered things where and there, especially the amount of sugar. It was a bit too sweet for my liking.

Cream puffs and custard

What I'm working on how is a good beer batter recipe. The thing is, some of these dishes are easy dishes. I work to improve these dishes because I don't want the food I serve to be "good", I want it to be fucking amazing. Mum has always been able to make basic as fuck food, tastes fucking bomb, and I want to be able to do that for Denne. Every time I try to attempt something, no matter how easy it is, I do my research to understand each component that makes the dish. I want to understand how different ingredients change the dish. This understanding will allow me to break apart dishes that I eat so that I can recreate it at home. Not only that, it will allow me to improve on dishes my adding my own stuff to it. 

I have been looking at herbs much more lately. I have started raising an herb garden from seeds, which takes a lot more TLC than you think it does. They make such a huge difference to not only the aroma of your food, but also gives the taste a subtle oomph. 

I need to stop blogging, I have an exam to prepare for. Hahas.


Wednesday, October 12, 2016


"When you feel my heat
Look into my eyes,
That's where my demons hide."

My demon, anxiety, is not kind. It makes me fear everything and progress through life with doubt every step of the way. No one close to me has yet to understand how it has a grip on me.