Reaching For Clear Skies.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Reflecting on the first half of 2017

Although exams are over, I still find myself still a bit overwhelmed and anxious. Partially, I'm worried about my grade for psychopathology. I wasn't aware that a majority of material is found in the textbook, with about half exclusively from it. the material was very different from what we were introduced to in the lectures. I'm just hoping not to fail that course at this point. I did very very well on all of my 2 dozen assignments except for one were it was about 67%. On the bright side, I will get my first 7 at university this semester. I initially thought I was going to get one 7 and 3 6s, but at this point, I'm worried about that last course. Grade are going to be released in a bit over a week, so the anticipation is getting to me. I'm worried that I won't pass psychopathology, the exam was very hard considering I did not cover the right topics in my weeks worth of revision. Additionally, I'm worried that a bad or failing grade will take a toll on me and the trip I'm taking on 5 days after the release of the results (10th June).

Also, Denne and I have had horrible luck when it comes to anything involving money. Denne forked out over 1k for some personal stuff. Then Mr.Nibbles suddenly got REALLY sick. It turns out, there was a giant hole in the bottom of his tongue. We assume it has been there for a very long time, considering there was necrosis in some areas. He had to get it stitched up, and be on pain medication for a whole week. That costed about 400$ all up. Then Denne probably got a speeding fine, and my samsung s8 dropped and the screen cracked. We have dished out a decent amount of money, even though we are trying so hard to properly save money for this trip. I'm hoping we can get about 3k in spending money, and I'm sure we can do it. But the amount of money we have forked out this last month or two is much more than we would like. 

Although this is all stressing me out quite a lot, reflecting on it has really helped me not reach the point of being overwhelmed. Firstly, I am so very grateful for Denne, as he is honestly taking the brunt of the costs so far. The money for the trip, is split pretty even 50/50, but lately Denne has been forking out most of the money for the vet bill and particularly for food. This was especially true, when I was studying for exams or had heaps of papers due within the same week. I have only been able to work a maximum of two days a week, which fetches me about $180 per week, which makes my spending money a cruddy $80 per week. This has to cover university stuff (ie. bus, food, materials for assignments etc) and everyday spending. My pride doesn't let me accept money from my parents, so Denne has to suffer for it. I'm in credibly thankful for Denne for his support, when I am unable to handle things by myself. He has also been there for my emotionally throughout this semester, which has been a particularly hard one for me to deal with. I have been trying to follow a new routine, which is much more career focused, than anything else. This semester has been much more challenging in regards to work load than any other semester I have every done. I lost count of the amount of academic articles I've read in order to complete the 8 or papers and essays. I haven written around 12000 words, done over a dozen quizzes, did presentation which scared the fuck out of me. I think I have achieved a lot this semester. I couldn't have done it without Denne's support the whole way through.

We had a lot of difficult times, where the both of us were incredibly busy. We didn't have time to see each other throughout the week. I was busy with university, and he was busy with work. But we made sure that both know that we are still thinking of each other. During the past two weeks, I can't help but constantly think of how grateful I am for Denne, and that I truly do love him. I think that since the beginning of this year, I've finally been able to comprehend what it is like to truly love someone. There is just this feeling I just can't put into words, but I know for sure that it has developed beyond the feelings I had for him before this year. I'm looking forward to spending time alone with Denne in Phuket, I think it'd do wonders for our relationship. 

Anywho, at the of the day, I have learnt to look at the ECP MUCH MORE CAREFULLY in order to understand what exactly is assessed in the final exams. Although a large majority of cases, lecture materials are about 80-90% of what is assessed, and the textbooks are just a study aid when you are struggling to keep up or understand the materials presented in the lectures, some courses incorporate a large amount of material from the textbook. This is something that I honestly should have known beforehand, and it's my own damn fault if I fail the psychopathology exam because of it. But all I can do at this point is to learn from it, and do well next time. I also learnt that I cannot expect phones to be as strong as they used to be, and take extra caution with handling it, considering I am the most buttery butter fingers to exist. Last, I have learnt to love and appreciate Denne more for what he does, because he genuinely loves me, and all he wants is for me to be happy and stress free (well... as much as I can be with this anxiety disorder hitching a ride).

Its funny how much this doggo reminds me of myself. Always stumbling over shit, literally and metaphorically. 


Monday, June 5, 2017

A part of your thoughts

I'm tired of being thrown around. I tired of never being in anyone's considerations, when all I ever do is try to consider everyone. I'm tired of demanding to be considered by others who say they love me. I don't want to deal with this anymore. It's always my fault right? 


Saturday, June 3, 2017

I can't please you.

Asian parents do not make the kindest parents, nor do they make the most considerate and open minded people. My dad is homophobic. Although he doesn't say, "you can't be gay" to random people he doesn't know, he will say some of the most fucked up things about people of the LGBTQ+ (which I am apart of, woooh) community that blows my mind. Things are his way or the highway. Both my parents, are unable to control their emotions. What a surprise I have issues with that. The difference is with them, whenever they feel any type of anger or negative emotion, their child becomes their emotional punching bag. When something is wrong in their day or in their life, they bash on their child, trying to vent out the frustration they feel. They demand respect from you, regardless of how they treat you. 

Their perspective is THE RIGHT perspective. They know best, regardless of their education. They know best, regardless of whatever any expert (who have spent their whole lives in their field) say. They know best, regardless of what decades of literature has said about any topic. They can say the sky is pink, sharks fly, water burns, and dogs hoot, regardless of anything you present them with, because they have 'lived more' and hence 'they know'. Even if you're a doctor, they know more than you, because what you do is 'just theory', and their experience is real.

YOU CANNOT REASON WITH THEM. They are intolerant to anything that does not conform to their biases. Conformation bias is rampant amongst asian parents. 

They get mad at you, for something that happened in that moment, and blame you for always doing it. I haven't played games for weeks on end, concentrating on my studies, and getting good fucking grades at that. I'm most definitely gonna get my first 7 at university this semester. I go to university from Tuesday to Thursday, leaving my house before 9 and coming home around 7pm. I come home, rest while eating dinner and showering, before going back to studying again until 11 or 12pm. I work on Fridays and Saturdays until 3. I rest a bit, nap, have dinner, freshen up, then right back to studying. Sunday is my day off, to spend with denne and to have a bit of a fucking break. Then Monday, I  prepare for the week to start all over again. I just finished 3-4 constant weeks of that, and just finished all my assessments, with the exception of two exams that will happen in 2 weeks. 

Feeling burnt out, I played games yesterday and today. Today, mum called and wanted me to do things. I told her I'd do it after I finish my game. You can't leave in the middle of a DOTA game without getting penalised. Then she hits me with a, "ALL YOU EVER DO IS PLAY GAMES. THATS ALL YOU CARE ABOUT." 


She hangs up. I called her back to tell her that I've been working very hard for weeks and did not play any games at all. I only started to play again yesterday and today. I also didn't say no to doing the chore, I said I'd do it after this game, so I don't understand why she was upset. She then replied, "ok ok, you're right. I can't believe you call me back for that." Even more mad than before. It's the type of reply where you agree that they're right, without changing your mind, just for them to fuck off. Like, "ok ok whatever. I'm wrong, you're right. You're always right. HAPPY?!?!"

It's something she does when she is wrong. Deep down she know she's wrong. But she is the mum, and I need to listen and follow no matter right or wrong. 

At this point in my life, I've come to the conclusion that I can never keep my mum happy for a prolong period of time. That is, unless I bow my head down and conform to the mold or image she has for me. They are never happy with me, unless I fit their image of the perfect child. Submissive, resilient to everything negative, accepting of anything demanded of me, able to achieve anything self for me, able to drop anything at any given moment to please their desires no matter how fleeting. 

I'm none of that. I am not submissive, and have my own personality. I am not resilient, as I am an anxious person. I will not stand for unjust criticisms. I will not accept anything demanded of me, because that was how I become anxious to begin with. I am a person of reason. I am my own person, with my own hopes, my own dreams and my own desires. I will not pertain to your mold, and if that makes you unhappy with me, then I'm sorry. I can't do anything about that. 

I'm paving a path towards where I want to go. To a future I see for myself, for what I see as success. Success has never been about the prestigious job, the 6 figure salary, or the luxury possessions. Success is happiness, and happiness is attainable without riches. 

 My path will never be straight, it will be full of twists and turns. There will be setbacks, there will be times where I will go backwards, but that is how I will grow and experience the world. I am no longer a child you are able to mold. I'm molding myself into who and what I want to be, and I will never apologise for it. 


In hindsight, yes I do understand that asian parents generally can only show their love throw acts of service and with financial support. That is how the culture is. Money was a hard thing to make, so they want you have absolutely no trouble with finances at all. Hence the prestigious job, making a shit tonne of money etc. However, they expect too much. I will live a comfortable life in Australia, on the average wage. They are blind sighted by their wish for their child to live an easier life, and forget about everything else. They have this idea of what a person without any financial struggles looks it, and they want you to be like that. Again, every single day, I want to be nothing else other than a better version of who I was yesterday. I will not conform to something I am not. And I will never apologise for that.