Reaching For Clear Skies.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Its Been A While

Well, I'm back? Its been a while. Lately I have been so busy that it is just cray cray. So, lets have an update. ^^

Well, I've gotten into the university of my dreams. Although it might not mean much to anyone, but I am so happy I got accepted. I bombed grade 12 so bad, and I'm grateful to be where I am. I got accepted into the University of Queensland! YAY. I'm doing a full time bachelor of Science Degree, hoping to major in zoology/ecology and be a field researcher. I've been so damn tired ever since I started.

I've found that I rarely have anytime to do anything other than study. I go to Uni, I study my ass off, and then go home, clean up and help around the house, then study more. Even on days like Monday where I have 2 lectures in the morning (total of 2 hours) and then a 4 hour break until my last lecture at 2pm, I woddle to the Biological Sciences Library to study for that whole break. And even though I do that, when I get home (on monday) I still need to study since I have a 9am-8pm day on tuesdays. Since Tuesdays have 2 practicals, I need to memories things for the prelab tests. So that means...

Breaks = study
Home = study
Weekend = work and study
Bus ride = study or sleep
Eating at Cafeteria = study 
Isn't that beautiful .-.

I've noticed that I've been drinking a LOT of English breakfast tea lately. Not to mention a decent amount of coffee and red bull. Though they aren't anywhere near as much. I even asked dad to spare me some coffee cups so that I can drink some on the morning on the bus .-. 

I've also been listening to a LOT of Yiruma lately! Its nice study music =D

Welp, anywho, back to study.
Thats an small update, I got pre-tutorial work to do for tmrw.