Reaching For Clear Skies.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Never really been good with dealing with disappointment. Its like being lifted up to cloud nine, then kicked on the face all the way down back to earth (yay). Who enjoys that? It's just that I'm particularly bad at handling it. Doesn't help much that Denne's family is ... how do I say this? They don't take no for an answer. Once they take you somewhere, you're not going home until they say you can. 

Example. Whilst we were at vietnam, they forced us to visit them. I understand that they want to Denne and what not, but they didn't take no for an answer. It was tet and we planned to stay with my family and fully experience the culture. Welp, instead we for-filled their wish and come over. We said we needed to be home at 6 because we had plans. Did that matter? Nope, they didn't give a shit. Instead of taking us home in their car, they took us around town and to a restaurant. Did they give a shit about our opinion and plans? Nope =D not a shit given. This happened every single time that we met them. 

Welp, some of Denne's family from Viet Nam and NSW came up and they decided to go on a road trip. It went from going for 2 days 1 night, to 3 days 2 nights. This was decided while they were making their way to their destination. (yay). Then after they were about to go home, they decided to go to stop at placed... then after that they decided to go eat dinner. 

So instead of seeing him in the afternoon, threes probably not even a chance to see him tonight (yay)

I guess this is mother nature's way of fuckign with me and saying, "bitch, here's your chance to get used to it =D" 

Gomen, kitty was being difficult.