Reaching For Clear Skies.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Self Respect

I guess mum was right. I should start loving myself more. I should respect myself more and have a stronger backbone. I shouldn't be so easy with things and I should ever give someone too much of me because then I'd expect them to treat me the same and show a degree of appreciation. I am pretty stupid aren't I. I really should start making more plans for myself rather than trying to reserve my time for someone else and I should stop putting my needs after someone else's. I need to stop making this person the utmost biggest priority in my life, since I've been shown, many times over, that it is not something that they will always do like I do. Putting my exams after that person ... I really am stupid.

These holidays are definitely going to be period of self discovery (yay)

I'm especially looking forward to spending more time with mumzies and porky. They are increasing become more and more involved in my life and in ways that I couldn't even imagine. Oh, I forgot the mention that I've gotten a bit closer to Peter again. It's really nice =). Probably might go clubbing with him sometime this holiday.

Current plans for post-examination activities\

  • Meet up with Sam on the first day release of pokemon generation 3 remakes
  • Go play pool with Peter (H) from university
  • Go pool and play table soccer thingo with Porky, Peter (L) and Uncle Wee
  • Go beats club with the fabulous Michael
  • Also want to go chill with Auntie Thi, Tracey and the Exchange student 
  • Exercise and diet to get my 41kg body back for summer
  • Work and take over for Daddy so he can have more rest days. The dude has been working real hard for a while now. He deserves to go chill more =). I want to work at least 3 days on the holidays
  • Spend more family time!
  • Volunteer for shelters and animal clinics
  • CHRISTMAS PREPARATIONS! Its is going to be an amazing christmas =) I'm going to post more of the christmas plans when I have time. I'm really excited. 


Saturday, November 8, 2014

Life is Giving Me Lemons

Life has been shipping me a constant supply for lemons. I feel as though there are a few dozen crates at the moment. I feel the need to go catch with porky again. Recently, I've decided that I hated science. Not in that way, I love science and science has continued to make my life colourful, however, I feel as though I don't have the capacity to find a position within the research field. I have so much respect for those who are on the front line. Discoveries are made daily, and my mind is blown daily. However, I don't feel as though I can go through university as a bio-medical/research scientist and keep my sanity. I want a practical job, where I can be around the things I love. I want a job where my brain juices don't evaporate. 

It was really hard for me to decide, considering that I really didn't have a clue in regards to what I am passionate about. After spending some time fishing, and having to to myself to think, I now know that working with animals and caring for animals is something that I definitely want to do. I always talk to Denne about fostering various types of animals when I get my own home. I always talk about dogs, cats, bats, otters, ANIMALSS!!! Denne really things that this is something I should pursue. I really wanted it too, however.... LEEEEMMMOOOONNNNSSS!!

The lowest qualification you can get is through TAFE, certificate III or IV in veterinary nursing. That is usual way to get there. I really don't want to only have a TAFE qualification. I want to do something and achieve something relatively high in my life. At least a bachelor degree of some sort. However, the only thing I can really find at the moment is at the University of Queensland in Gatton. Gatton, aka, 1 hours drive away. With that in mind, I wanted to have a massive search for courses after finishing exams. I planned to do that, along with getting work experience under my belt with volunteering at shelters and looking for work experience at clinics. 

I thought I had it all planned out for a few weeks. Then I found out that the job has really bad pay. Maximum being $25 for senior/experienced nurses. Average weekly pay is under $800 and yearly wage usually is $35-$45K. The money isn't really a problem, that is until I think about it as a career and a way of living. My goal is to be able to make enough money to live comfortably, be able to give my children a comfortable life and to be able to give to the poor. I don't think its possible to do that with such a pay. I don't want to use 3-4 years of my life and a piss-tone of money, just to make around $20 (give or take) an hour...

Lots of bloody lemons atm, making those into lemonade is going to be a bitch, I don't even know where to start. Can I somehow sell these lemons .-.   ~sigh