Reaching For Clear Skies.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

People Bitching Bout Taxes

Honestly... Sometimes it pisses me off when people bitch about tax. I'm on the fence with taxing, especially when the Australian government can do quite stupid shit with the budgets. But when tax dollars are used for things like health care, medication and infrastructure, then fuck yeah I'm in. If there isn't any tax money, who the fuck is going to fix the gigantic bloody potholes on the streets? If it wasn't for tax dollars, how could your medication cost less than $10. If it wasn't for tax dollars, how would you be able to visit the doctors without paying a fee of $50, or how would you be able to afford hospital stays if you aren't at least a high end middle class citizen. Taxes help the community. It helps people who are struggling get along. Who kind of a blood selfish excuse of a human being are you if you don't want to pay tax for those causes. I obviously will REFUSE to pay tax for those who only take advantage of it, those who do whatever they can so that they don't need to work and still reap the benefits of tax dollars. However, when it comes to improving someone's standard of living, fuck it, take my money. The few percent missing from my pay check every week won't matter much to me at all. What is it going to get me? A pizza? Some maccers? It wont change my life in any drastic way. Yet, it can be accumulated, along with the tax from a handful of others, and it can help pay for life saving or changing medication for someone with a chronic disease. Imagine having to fork out thousands of dollars monthly, or even weekly, just to be able to function normal, or even worse, just to live. With that money, we can have better hospital facilities with better medical staff that makes sure that ever visit is as best as it can be. That money can help people pay for their education. It can give free education to children so they don't have to be shoveling shit as a living. 

So why not? Why bitch? You cannot be that selfish.


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Its Different

I can't help but feel as though its so different now. I feel as though there is a total lack of intimacy between us and it sucks. I can't help but feel as though something is just missing from the relationship. Maybe everything has become so routine that there is no more excitement in the relationship. There doesn't seem to be any special meanings behind the little things we do, it seems as though it just turned from "They are doing it because I am special to them and because they love me dearly" to "Its just something they do". Because we are so comfortable, it seems as though it went from "I want to spoil them because they are special, I want to go out of my way" to "eh, I'll just do whatever I want to do" without thinking about what the other person needs. It's like the flaw in lone term relationships is being too comfortable. You get so comfortable that you think its ok to sit there and play games for hours on end without thinking about what the other person is doing. If they have anything to do while you indulge yourself in your fun time as they are just sitting in your room. You get so comfortable that you think that no matter what you want, they'd do for you without wanting anything in return. I feel as though we need to wake up here and there and realize that everybody has their own needs. Everyone has their own and maybe different sense of what is a good time and what is a horrible waste of time. Its terrible that two people who love each other dearly can so easily take each other for granted,  not carter to the other's needs and refuse to do things that are important to the other. But the sad thing is, you don't really do these things consciously. You don't want to take your partner for granted nor do you want them to be dissatisfied. But these things you do without thinking. You do it because you aren't critically thinking and actively analyzing both your relationship and you as a person. At this point, you need to put a lot of effort into pulling it back up. A lot of effort is needed to get out of certain habits that are straining your relationship. This can range from personality flaws or just bad habits, whether it's utter laziness and absentmindedness or acts of retaliation. If nothing is done, in due time, no matter what you do, nothing is going to change the fate of the relationship. 

With that being said, I still can't shake off the feeling that I need to get away. To not give up so much of my time. Maybe things will change for the better.


Saturday, January 24, 2015

Maroon 5 Marathon

I just listened to Maroon 5's newest song, Sugar. My lord... It's amazing. I decided to go on a Maroon 5 marathon, and I definitely don't regret it one bit. 

The first song I happened to come across on my little adventure was 'She will be loved'. It was my very first Maroon 5 song. It reminded me why I fell in love with this band before I fell in love with music. This was a thing that my dad and uncles listened to, it feels so weird to be listening to it and enjoying it as much as I am. I guess its because most people don't particularly like the music from older or younger generations. Iunno I guess I just find it weird. 

Its amazing how diverse their music is. They can go from a chill slow jam to a more upbeat and 'modern' song. Fuck, I'm so in love atm I can't even find the words. 

Sunday Morning - Maroon 5, 2004

Won't Go Home Without You, 2006


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Shopping Haul - Undergarments and Summer Wear

I saved up about $380 dollars within the last 2 weeks so that I could get my computer serviced at U-mart where I bought all my parts from. Firstly, I transferred $100 dollars into second bank account, as I got payed on Sunday, to save money for my Vietnam trip at the end of the year. Then on Tuesday, Denne and I took a trip to U-mart at Milton to drop off my computer. It turns out that it was only going to cost $80 for them to have and look and see what was wrong with the computer. Since I still have my warranties, the next step is free. So, that meant I have money to spare =D.

As we were driving home, we decided that we'd take a detour to Indooroopilly to hit the shops. My lord, has that shopping centre gotten nicer or what. Every time I go there, I can believer how much it has improved. It used to look kinda run down, but now it has a really elegant touch to it. I got to save so much money today it wasn't even funny. So many things were on sale, and boy was I happy. Before I started to work regularly, I never really bought any clothes. I might buy 1 item a month, and even that was rare. I usually wait until I go Vietnam to get clothes because its so much cheaper there. Clothes weren't really prioritized in my family, growing up, so it was never really an issue for me. But now it really feels like a luxury and I am real grateful to be able to have the opportunity to spoil myself here and there. 

After I chowed down some ramen, We dropped by Supre since it was right next to the food court. There were a lot of nice casual shorts that I could wear during the summer and at home during winter. So that part is all sorted out. Most of my jeans don't fit me anymore. Most of the ones that don't fit anymore fits my waist fine, but the problem is they either constrict my ass like an 8 ft. python or they don't even manage to go past my ass... So I went from 10+ pairs of pants to about 3. Mum gave me a few of her pants, they fit my ass well, but they were too big for my waist T_T. It makes sense though, most of those pants I've had for over 6 years. I'm finally having a growth spurt? 

These pants were 2 for $20. Saved $20 (Y)

Shorts for $10 and a Crop Top for $12

After Supre, we window shopped on that level. We were just chilling, talking and joking about until we pasted this shop. I remember seeing a shop like this a few years hack and I thoroughly enjoyed my experience there, so I took Denne in. He seemed a bit hesitant, though a lot more confused than anything else. I took him to the massage oil section of the shop and let him have a try of some of the oils that they provided. I dropped a small dot of the first massage oil onto the back of his hand to see if he would like the smell. He just looks at me with the drop of oil on his hand, completely confused about what he has to do. Made my day. I thought he would like the 'relax' oil since it usually has a nice lavender fragrance to it. That wasn't the case this time. So after testing the range, he chose 'exotic spice'. The lady working there was AMAZING. She offered tea while we stayed and we had a nice conversation. Turns out, you can even make your own products there. Everything is animal friendly and is all produced locally in Australia. You can chose specific essential oils to mix  up to make a hair mask or skin scrubs. I'm excited to return there one day. Definitely a must go. It hits right in the kokoro for my inner hippy (Y).

The massage oil (which is going to last at least a year) and the dropper totaled $17-18

We then dropped by BrasNthings to get some nice underwear ;). I've bought quite a considerable amount of undergarments. Most of my underwear have gone missing.. I don't know why that is. My co-worker suggested that I might have a panty thief and it creeped me the fuck out for a long time. Anywho, I got these there underwear. Denne was really happy with the playboy underwear. He picked them out, and to my surprise they were on sale (yes I had a really lucky day today with sales). These are definitely going to keep the hubby satisfied for a while =)
Pink and Black PlayBoy G-strings were $27+, I got them for $10 each. The more casual one at the top was $20, I got them for FIVE BUCKS.  

Afterwards, we went hunting for Ice since I need more knickers. On the day, Denne seemed tired and bored, so I stopped by a news agency and asked if he would want a scratchy to keep himself entertained. He looked happy about that. We walked in, took a look at what the scratchies there, and he ended up picking the crossword one as usual. We then headed towards Ice and I tried on a number of bikinis. I ended up with this one. It was mine and Denne's favourite =) Simple, with a little bit oif funk to it. I struck gold again, it was actually on sale as well (Y). On the way to the counter, I snagged a few pairs of underwear and that was the end of our shopping trip.

Bikini $20+, I got it for $10 This picture doesn't do the bikini justice, I was too lazy <.>

Knickers 3 for $12 (Y)


Monday, January 19, 2015

People At Inala - Work Rant

Yeah... I need to blow some steam. I love working with my parents. Things have gotten a fuck tonne better between my parents and I because we've been spending a lot of time together at work. We have had more time to get to know each other a tad bit better and to adapt to each other. Anywho. My lord. I don't know why, I feel as though our restaurant attracts all the "special" people in inala. I hear and see the most fucked up shit...

Restaurant Don'ts (FYI)
1. NEVER, I repeat, NEVER, take ANYTHING off the tray of a waiter/waitress. The only reason that the x number of objects are not on the ground is because we are BALANCING THE OBJECTS ON A FREAKEN PLATE. When the items are placed onto the plate, there is a specific way that it was placed on, hence there is a specific way to get the items off. If not, it all goes to shits. If you take something off randomly, it will tip the whole plate over. Sometimes, I get people are trying to be helpful, but in that situation, just don't start grabbing it off the plate please. 

2. Don't give the server shit if the food comes out wrong. We just take your order and bring it into the chef. We don't make your food, the chef does. Just tell us it's wrong and we will scoot as fast as possible to get  it changed for you, we will be really apologetic for it too if you don't act like a total dickbag

3."Well this is how its don't at coffee club/sizzler/maccers/etc, you're doing it wrong!" Everyplace has its own way of doing things, if we did it exactly like coffee club, then what the fuck is the point of opening a shop. We might as well be a coffee club. If you don't like it that we only serve something a certain way, then just don't come back next time, go to the other placed. Its understandable. It's ok to be particular with your food and that doesn't make you an ass.Being a dickhead and causing a scene for no fucking reason is just retarded.

4. Don't make a scene if there is 1 teaspoon of something you don't like in your dish, Just take it out, you aren't going to die. I really don't get it sometimes. People get so insanely upset when there is a pinch of freaken shallots in their soup even though its not even that big of a deal. Even before I worked, I never made a fuss over something that is so insignificant. If you're allergic to something, that is completely understandable because that item is a risk to your well-being. If its not, then wtf? ITS NOT A BIG DEAL

5. "WHY ARENT YOU GLUTEN/MSG FREE. WHY DO YOU HAVE SO FEW VEGETARIAN FOODS? WHY AREN'T YOU VEGAN FRIENDLY? WHY DON'T YOU HAVE ANY OTHER GRAINS OTHER THAN WHITE?" I've had people yell at me for these things. It baffles me to thing of what they're like on a day to day basis. Do they go from restaurant to restaurant yelling and arguing with the staff about why the restaurant doesn't cater to them. That's just fucked up. Especially when you're going off at the servers. Keep in mind that the servers only work there, they aren't the bloody boss and they can't decide what dishes the restaurant sells. So, just don't be a dick 

6. Please, for the love of god, READ THE MENU! There are people that come in and ask, "Do you have this, do you have that," and then get annoyed and frustrated at me because I keep saying no. Well, if you actually looked at the menu, you would see that that is all that we serve. If its not on the menu, or displayed anywhere in the restaurant, then we don't have it. Once again, don't get up the servers, we don't decide what to sell and what not to sell. We just take your order and deliver your food, Thats it, period.

7. Just order a blood dish on the menu... please. 
"Can I have Special Beef Noodle Soup, without the onions, shallots, and herbs on top. Change the pho noodle to egg noodle. I only want a little bit of noodle, so small size please, with extra meat to replace the noodles. Put the rare beef on a separate plate. Make sure you cook the noodles for a long time as well, I like my noodles really soft. Don't put any of the soup oil into it and I'd like a bit of extra soup. Also put some spring onion heads in." 
That isn't even an exaggeration. I'm dead fucking serious. Its fine to add or take 1 or two things. But if you're going to change the whole dish... why don't you just eat at home... I honestly find this so incredibly rude. I've never done that once in my life because I was taught that you're giving the people who are working a hard time. Now I can actually understand the feeling... As a server, we are happy to make sure that the food you eat is to your liking. But there is definitely a limit to this.

8. Don't just walk by and take something from a restaurant. Whether it is cutlery or chairs or whatever the hell you can think of. It's just retarded. You might not know this, but restaurants don't have an unlimited supply of everything. It also costs us a decent amount of money to be continually replacing things that are stolen. We have stupid fucking bogan children come by and take chopsticks. We have old men come by, take our knives to use in whatever way they please, and put it back (while it is dirty) into the cutlery container. Just don't... It's just so rude.

9. Decide what you're going to eat before you call a server over. We have other things to do, and we can't always be standing at your table for 10 minutes for you to decide or argue with other people on what you're going to get. Don't make us stay. Imagine how you feel if the fuckers that came in before you did that. And it ended up taking an extra 15 minutes for the server to get to you and take your order. You wouldn't like that would you. No, so don't do it.

10. Just Don't treat the servers like shit. Until you've actually worked as a waiter or waitress, you can not ever really understand how crappy it feels. Don't lash out on them if you've had a bad day. They probably have had a long day running left and right and having to deal with complete demeaning assholes. So give them a break. I feel that after I've been a waitress for so long, encountering the most retarded people you can possible encounter (inala), I'm always really empathetic towards other servers. I always try and be nice and tip them if I see that they're having a long day. For me, whenever a really nice customer comes in and is very kind to and polite to me, it just makes my whole day better. I always end up thanking them for the hard work, I always show them respect and I'm always sure to smile. It really does make a difference. If a customer is being a real dick to you, it can bring you down so fast. But if someone is being nice to you, it just blows everything away.

Fuck... that feels a lot better. Needed that rant/vent so badly ^^ 
I guess a lot of these things irritate me a lot because I was always taught to do these things throughout my whole childhood. The moral of the story is just, "don't be a dickbag," and that's it. I feel as though a good number of people aren't aware of the other people around them. We need more empathy and understanding in this world. A lot of these things seems to just be because people are lacking these qualities. I don't know why you need to give people such hard times. I feel so guilty doing it, I don't know how it's so normal to people.

Don't get me wrong here, I love serving people and I'm so grateful for my job. It's just some of the people that drive me insane. 


Sunday, January 11, 2015

Period Blues

Haven't had a period in a long time. My little Clyk (bcp dispensing device) says that it has been 83 days. I remember why i hate periods....
Periods have always been terrible for me. Any textbook pms (premenstrual syndrome) symptoms you can come up with, I probably have it. Shitty cramps that feels as though a unicorn is drilling its horns intomy guts. Crappy bloating that makes me feel as though I need to if I do anytning that is faster than a light jog. My boobs are so fucking sore, it feels like some douchebag is continually rolling his head back and forwards, up and down my boobs. Just touching it hurts. Imagine the feeling you get, a day or so after an intense legs day session at the gym... that feeling while walking up a flight of stairs... yeah, not pleasant. Then in comes headaches, nausea, light headedness, vaginal aches, back aches, muscle pains, random fuzzy moments, insomnia's baby and not to mention the feeling of having to wear briefs (briefs are awful, you will know the feeling girls when you wear another type of underwear, trust me).
I control my emotions unless im left alone. I become insecure about myself and will find every bloody flaw I possibly can. Hence why I used to always keep myself busy so that I don't feel as though im bat shit crazy. After im exhausted and/or don't have anything to do, I (used to) just rather be alone in my room, moping. Its like, "unless you're going to make me feel just the tiniest bit better.... please, just go away :) blood and womb lining is coming from my vagina and my hormones are hurting me both mentally and physically, please for the love of god, dont fuck with me :)"

Man, i am obviously not used to this shit anymore. At least getti g them monthly, i was more accustomed and ready, so i was more in control. Since i get them every 2 -3 months, it feels so foreign and more difficult to handle
Guys are so lucky they dont need to go through this shit, I'm just unlucky as fuck... some chicks don't even have any symptoms.. sigh. Men, you should learn how to make your lady feel more comfortable during her period. Because your chance of encountering a human of the female kind, during the period of her life in which her mucous lining (which is built monthly to potentiall host your little mini me) is actively shedding on a month to month basis,  is really bloody high (not pun intened). If you're going to share your life with this female, who will be going through this until she is at least i her late 40s, the  you might as well earn the "awesome boyfriend/fiancée/husband" card. Its not that hard if you know what you're doing. Just listening to her, give her her happy food plus cuddles and kisses. Thats it. That is literally it, and she will be feeling a LOT less "i want to murder everything".


Currently experiencing period blues. Feel so incredibly crappy and lonely. There isn't really anyone that is here to support me, so just got to suck it up. Being brushed off by someone you're seeking comfort from sucks major dick. Just want someone to talk to and hug. Balls, now to comfort myself with THE BIG THEORYYYYYYY!!!!!!! 😟