Reaching For Clear Skies.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

A Massive Step In The Right Direction

I've just gotten home from a trip to Vietnam. It was ahh, a lot of things to say and that would be for another time since it is late. After returning, things have been different. A pretty amazing different tbh. Everyday i feel really loved an appreciated for the things I do. Things really has changed for the better after we took some time apart that I just want to keep working together with him to improve our relationship. It feels as though the three weeks apart has really loosened things up for us.. I have become a lot more patient and my temper is a lot better. I'm able to enjoy Denne's cheekiness and playfulness a lot more. It feels as though we have gone over quite a few rough spots and we have been able to open up more. I guess with understanding comes compassion? I appreciate his efforts so much I just want to spoil the living shit out of him. 

P.S, hes become quite the beast hahas.