Dating too seriously
I feel as though the way my grandparents raised me influenced me to take relationships much more seriously than those around me. I never enter a relationship unless I feel as though there is something there beyond "boyfriend and girlfriend". I develop interest in people easily. When I was single, I was "seeing" a lot of different people (not at the same time though), but there was a certain point I always leave it. Because when I look for a partner, I look for a long lasting relationship. If there are personality traits I don't like, I will end it right there. This isn't because that quality is inherently bad, rather its because it's something I know I either would prefer not to deal with, or something that bothers me.
For example, I don't care whether or not a friend sleeps around. It doesn't bother me how many different people they have engaged in sexual intercourse with, nor do I care if they've paid someone to do it with them, but when I am looking for a partner, I would not date someone who has done these things. It's not because I think they aren't good people or because I judge them in any negative way. I can understand that like any other living organism, humans also want to fuck. It's something we are biologically wired to do, and something that we naturally crave for. But being raised traditionally, my morals in regards to sex is that it's something to share with someone special. Its not something I feel should me thrown around so lightly, so I would personally want my partner to feel the same. You are no less of a person in my eyes for engaging in sexual activities outside a relationship, it's just a preference for me not to do so. I'd like my partner to have similar values to me when it comes to these things.
Another example is partying. I don't care. I personally am an introvert. I would prefer someone who is more introverted as my partner. I would prefer someone who prefers to stay at home and snuggle than to go out to a club. Again, just a preference that better suits my lifestyle.
I think that I'm that particular with some things while looking at potential partners but once I've committed to you, I no longer live for myself. The two only relationships I've had have lasted 3 years or more. I put in everything I have. I live and make decisions based on my partner and our relationship.
How can I make a positive impact on your life?
How can I make life easier for you?
How do I show you that you're a treasure I appreciate having in my life?
But maybe that is my downfall. Maybe I just don't know where to stop giving that I end up hurting myself. No matter what happens, I always want to understand what happened, why it happened and what I could do to make it better, rather than thinking about myself. Maybe I'm just too stuck in the "us" mentality. Maybe it's only been me who has been thinking purely of "us" the whole time, rather than being thinking about myself.
Or maybe, just maybe, I'm too weak to think about myself rather than us.
If that's the case, how do I think about me... and what will happen when I begin to think that way?