Reaching For Clear Skies.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Waste of Time

Welp, that was a waste of time. Instead of waiting at the restaurant I decided to go home by bus to get ready since Denne wanted me to "dress up" and stuff. So went home, showered, shaved, added colour to my hair, the whole package. Did my make up and what not to get ready to go. An hour =D was wasted... Really annoyed to be honest since I put time out to celebrate your 10 months, even though I have 2 exams this weekend. As a matter of fact, I dont even know if I can pass one of them. Welp, time to crawl in a ball on my bed and cry all this shit out so I'm no longer overwhelmed so that I can study and not sleep for a few days =D

Yay to anxiety atttaaaaaaaaaackk .-. fuck you anxiety =D