Reaching For Clear Skies.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

People Fucking Drive Me Insane

Yay. Another mini rant to show you how much of an asshole I am deep down =D

There is nothing that I really hate more than people who change their plans AFTER you've prepared every single fucking thing. Not to mention when they cancel plans AFTER THEYRE FUCKING LATE. How bloody inconsiderate can you be ffs.

I feel like the asshole in this situation though. A little somebody who is dear to me felt like shit. They be swearing all day and being out right pissed off. That someone told me that they wanted to drop by AFTER WORK. MIND YOU AFTER FUCKING WORK. Because they felt like shit, and that person is dear to me, I asked them if they just wanted a shower at my place. They said yes. So, Instead of studying for my exam (which i am completely fucked for), I spent 2 hours cleaning my bathroom, getting things ready so that that person could have a nice relaxing shower or bath (whichever they prefered). I got food up and ready and the bathroom all nice and warm. I got out some lingerie and dressed myself up. I sit there waiting for half a mother fucking hour. Then I find out they went home. They fucking went home to watch game of thrones and did not give a shit in the world to tell me that "I'm gonna drop by home first". 2 Hours fucking late. Thanx

I feel like an asshole in this situation because that person was annoyed about work. I don't even fucking know anymore. 

Back to shitting myself about the exam and being overly stressed all over again.

Ps. Sometimes you drive me so insane that I want to kick you up the dick with all my might.

I don't know how, but this picture came up when I was searching for angry anime images... *dies*