Reaching For Clear Skies.

Sunday, June 22, 2014


Well... I'm 4 foot 11 - 11.5 inches. I'm not even bloody 5 foot. Kinda depressing LOL.
Well, my bf is like 5ft10. So a good 26 cms taller than me. I find it sexy <.> but sometimes this shit happens .-.

I become a bloody chin rest. Fuck you Bubba. I love you, but fuck you ._.


About his nickname.

I really love the pet name, Bubby or Bubbi, because like 
Husband -> Hubby
Boyfriend -> Bubby
Yeah you should get the jist. But I didn't wanna call Denne that because that was what I called my ex for a really long time... and I felt bad if I called Denne that because of my retarded reasons (honestly... don't even know the reason myself). So Bubba just came out. Its growing on me, but sometimes it feels as though I'm saying "dad" in chinese... which creeps the fuck out of me. I don't think Denne realises (even though he's chinese lol).