Reaching For Clear Skies.

Friday, December 19, 2014

It's Difficult

Life can be difficult. Our parents are probably sitting there shaking their heads and facepalming as we- the young adults of the 21st century - complain about life being difficult. For kids that are currently living in a country that isn't of their parent's origins, obviously our parents lives were bloody difficult. They had to go to a completely different country with no understand of what the fuck is going on. Not understanding the language,  the culture and the way of living in a completely foreign country where you have no bloody idea wtf ANYONE is saying is terrifying to me. I believe it would have been for them, though I can yet to fathom the extent of these stresses. I find university difficult, even though I have been speaking and studying english for all my life, yet my dad managed to go through university with relative ease (accord to him) when he had only had 2 years of english under his wing (armpit). How... wow

We kiddies obviously did not have it as hard as our parents, however, I don't feel as though that gives them the right to belittle our stresses.  For a good majority of us kiddies, being smashed in the face with having to decide what we will have to do for the rest of our lives is really bloody daunting. We are giving so many different messages. We are told to follow our dreams and do what makes us happy, yet we are also told that it is rare for people to succeed doing it that way and that we should go to a job that gives a certain amount of money. Its hard to decide which side to choose. Both gives a reason to why the other is bad and why it is good. Both makes sense and both have its pros and cons. 

Looking into the future frightens me.
Hang on tight.