Reaching For Clear Skies.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Feelings after letting go of Bolt.

The last few days have been difficult. Not necessarily hard in the sense of dread, anxiety and tears, but more in the sense of feeling completely bummed. I keep telling myself that I need to do some work for uni, but it's just not happening. I'm struggling with the fact that we had to let Bolt go. Even though my head tells me it wasn't something I had much control over, I cant help but feel "uugghhh". I'm not sure how to even express these feelings, other than this clusterfuck;

"Increased activity in the anterior cingulate cortex, the region of the brain that registers physical pain, triggers the secretion and increased production of stress hormones such as Cortisol and Adrenalin from various endocrine glands. This can lead to many physical symptoms including nausea, feeling light headed and shortness of breath. Not only that, feel good hormones such as Dopamine are released when confronted with stimuli representing the target individual. The inability to satisfy the need for the target leads to feelings of withdrawal."

In short, I am fucking heart broken to the point where I  feel physically sick. Whenever I think about Bolt or see photos of him, I am overcome with the desire to hug and pat my baby. My brain expects an emotional fix every time I see or think about Bolt because I have always been able to have that until now. Now that I don't physically have Bolt anymore, my brain is going, "WTAF IS GOING ON," and starts looking for something to fill in the void. I have been successful at not doing anything impulsive... well, that is if you don't count procrastinating on everything. I have a chronic case of procrastination regardless of this situation, so I'd like to think that doesn't count :D. I guess I just have to try and push through as fast as possible so I can re-gear in time for exams. Luckily, my brain will re-wire itself out of this shitty cycle and I'll get over it... eventually. Probably will never completely get over it, but feeling ok and knowing he is in a good place is the best I can hope for.

Ps. I think its noteworthy that these feelings are when I'm alone. For some reason, most of what I feel around Denne is just... Iunno, I just feel numb. I feel lost and confused. I feel uncertainty at every turn. Sometimes I feel so unsure that it seems as though I'm halfheartedly holding on. I'm so overwhelmed with feelings, yet at the same time I'm unsure how to feel. Lost and confused is really what it is.


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Update on Momo

There as been significant progression with Momo. As you can still see from the image below, she is still scared and unsure when I come up close. She is used to my presence, but she gets scared when I approach. 

I can now give her a peanut by hand. I can hand it directly to her when I move slowly. She will stand there and watch as I approach, but doesn't run for her life anymore. If I keep my hand further away from her, I need to wait a while as she contemplates whether or not she should come to me to get it. She will come get the peanut, but she will snatch it and run back to her perch. This is a significant improvement from her running for dear life almost every time she sees me. I have successfully converted her to a full pelleted diet. She seems to be having a bit of trouble with the smaller pellets though. I might go get her medium sized pellets so she can hold them with her feet and eat. She seems to much prefer something she can hold, rather than just pecking at it like the tiels. I'll drop by petcity within the next week or so and get a small bag of roudy bush medium pellets.

Now to get her to come towards me with less fear and uncertainty. Yes, this will take a long time. She pretty much reverted back to being untamed. Its gonna take a while for her to get used to hands again.



It turns out the original foster carer had a family emergency and will not be able to take Bolt. We were told less than half a day before the arranged time that we were meant to hand him over. She still have a box of stuff for Bolt that we need to get back. Now we are in the process of talking to another foster carer. At this point, I have been on this emotional roller-coaster for over a week. I'm starting to feel numb and constantly bummed out. I no longer want to interact with people and or do anything other than lay down and stare off into the distance. Tears don't come often in the last day or two. I know we can't keep him, but the thought that he will go to a home that is better equipped has eased my anxieties. I came to the realization that living with Denne is not the best for Bolt. He is unable to release his energy for a large majority of the day, and that isn't something a border collie can deal with. Bolt would do better with an active owner/household, who go on daily walks, not because they have to walk bolt, but because they just do. Bolt would be much more suited with someone whose hobby is something physical, whether that be jogging, hiking or riding a bike. I just hope that whatever home he goes to, they will love him as much as we do. I just hope that they will provide him with the stimulation that he needs to be a happy chill little collie.


Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Resentment is toxic no matter what the situation is. I now have this deep-seated hatred towards him. I'm just so angry and gutted I still don't know how to feel or how to begin dealing with those feelings. We are currently looking for a new home for Bolt. A situation got out of hand and we are no longer permitted to keep Bolt. 

I hate him so fucking much, for allowing things to get to this point, despite being warned multiple times. I hate him so much for putting so little effort. I hate him so much for putting in so little time. I hate him so fucking much, for taking our baby for granted and only start to love him properly when he needs to be gone. I hate his attitude towards life. I hate how little motivation he has to do get up and do something. I hate how much he has allowed something like a fucking computer game take over his life. I hate how he puts so much effort into online games, while he puts so little into the people and animals that love him. I hate how he claims to put so much effort and that he feels exhausted from doing so, where really most of it was spent somewhere else. 

I hate
That no matter how much he says he loves me
I cant see it through his actions

I have done more than enough to show you that I love you. I stayed committed and loyal to you, giving you time and patience through your hard times. I have supported you with whatever it is that you wanted and never forced to into something you didn't want. I've always had your best interest in mind. I tell you what I need and don't make you play guessing games. I give you everything that you need, whether it be time to do your hobbies or cooking you a full course meal whenever you want it. I tend to your every need, because I just want to see you feel cherished and happy. I always blamed myself for the first two years.

"It's probably because I don't cherish him enough"
"Its probably because I haven't done enough to show him that I love him"
"Maybe I just don't deserve it.
"Am I being too impatient with him?"
"Is he acting like this because I demand too much?"
"Am I Not Good Enough?"

After losing bolt... I can't believe that anymore. I can't convince myself that its an problem with me anymore. And hence all the pent up emotions, the hatred and the anger has been released. Now, all I think is,

"Why would you treat us like this"
"I thought you loved us"
"Why would you shatter out hearts if you really loved us"
"What is it about us, that you would rather spend more time on games than us"

--------------------- End ----------------------

I hope you know that mummy loves you so fucking much.


Tuesday, May 10, 2016

What you deserve


It's not up to you how others treat you. However, it is up to you to have courage to get what you deserve, whether that be through working at it, or walking away. 


Sunday, May 1, 2016

Momo the Moustache Parrot

I decided that it'd be nice to document my journey with Momo since the process for us to become companions will probably the long.

This is the picture of Mom from where I bought her. I was told her hatch date should within the first week of September. She has been there with her sister for around 6 months. This means that Momo is starting to go into the adolescence phase. Since she has been there for so long with such little human contact, she is now semi tame. She is ok with me being next to her and sitting on my shoulder, but she is TERRIFIED of hands. Her bites are killer and her little claws can pierce skin if she wants it to. She did a number on me when I put her into the transport box to take her home. 

Not too clear in this image, but there was quite the struggle. She wasn't to pleased. The first 24 hours consisted of her being absolutely silent, sitting on the same perch and no moving an inch. She didn't touch any food, more did she touch any water. It was getting worrying at this point when 24 hours pasted and there was no signs of her eating.

I prepared her a bowl of fresh food. Long beans, sprout mix, raw peanuts and bird zone sweet beans. The tiels got some too. I placed the food tight next to her favourite perch since she may have been too stressed out to go look for food.

She actually started eating the peanuts, then she picked at the long beans and eventually the sprouts. She seemed to be a bit clumsy with smaller pieces of food and that's something I need to keep in mind when I decide to eventually convert her onto pellets. The pellets have currently have are minis, which are more suited to cockatiels and small bird species. Momo is classified as a medium bird, and since she wasn't exposed to much pellets in the first half a year of her life, I might need to invest in bigger pellets for her. 

After eating, she began to move away from her perch and show signs of curiosity. 

Lets just zoom into her a bit

She was like that for hours. Trying to see what we were doing. She was still very unhappy with hands and will run for her life, but that is something we need to work with to improve over a span of a few months. It's not going to get better any time quick. Taking her out of the box and into the cage was difficult. Got a bite on a tendon on my thumb. There wasn't another way I could have allowed her to just step into the cage, so that was something that was difficult to avoid. I was told she was given a mainly seed diet with fresh vegetables everyday. I didn't have many options so I just opted for a small parrot seed blend for now. 

I was not TOO pleased with the variety. It could have been a bit better so I kinda mixed some existing stuff I had into the existing seed mix. Must more colour, much much more variety.

I added in dried vegetable mix from bird zone (Vege Delight). This mix consisted of  dehydrated Goji berries, carrots, red peppers, parsley, spinach, currants, poppy seed, sunflower kernels, peanuts, walnuts, dehulled millet, quinoa, rice and spices. I didn't add too much because the mix was quite expensive and it is much easier to get Momo to eat fresh vegetables and peanuts than it is for the tiels. Momo is much more willing to try all the foods I offer her and so not too much of this mix was needed.

I added some pellets into the mix as well so that I can pre-expose Momo to pellets. I know she wouldn't really go for the pellets, but its just so that she will know that the pellets are food when I decide that its time to start converting her over. I added the pellets she would be more willing to try such as the coloured and flavoured  nutriblend pellets and the parrot essentials pellet mix with dried fruits and nuts from Vetafarm. 

I still have the Roudybush pellets on hand. I would prefer to convert her onto those since they contain less sodium and don't have any colours and flavouring. It's just that I want her to have the easiest possible transition into my house. After day three, she has become much more vocal and willing to eat food, though the amount of food she is eating is still concerning. We will get that under wraps soon.