Reaching For Clear Skies.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Bats Are FUCKING Cute

I know its weird, but when you actually look at it... they are damn fucking cute >///<


Fucking fluff balls.


Yeahh.... I love bats. I don't tell many people, but I love bats .-. Its ok littles guys, even though you make me shit my pants when you randomly make sounds or fly off in the middle of the night, I forgive you... You're too adorable to me mad at Q^Q. There should be more bats in Vietnam! These guys eat around the same amount, if not more of their total body weight in insects... approx 1000 mosquitoes per night. 


Fuck you mossys =D


Friday, December 27, 2013

The Christmas Post (Finally lol)

Well, its been 3 days since Christmas. I've been meaning to blog about what happened, but I guess things came up that made me want dish out instead. By the time I finished, it was late and I wanted to smash my head on the table and sleep LOL.

Just downloaded the anime "Free!". Apparently it is a yaoi so I am REALLLY looking forward to it. Saw some fhgsdfhgdsfjgh cute anime guy abs and I kinda had a ttttiiiiiiiiiinnnyyyy fangirl moment... Shhhh Denne doesn't need to know ;) LOL

Well lets see if I can remember everything. Spent the day at work. Did a 8 hour shift starting from 8 am. Though I was completely exhausted, I was happy. I was able to convince my mum to let me stay overnight at Leon's party. Worked extra hard that day, made a regular customer from an adoring old couple. I greeted them good morning and asked how I could start off their day. I delivered their raisin toast with coffee and english tea along with a few extra cookies since I remembered how much the old lady enjoyed them the first time she came. I couldn't be sexist so I made sure that I offered the man the variety of daily newspapers we had to offer. After a few hours after their departure... well what do you know? They both came back for lunch and made sure to mention that they well see us again soon. That made me happy as hell xD

Anywho, afterwards, 2dn, Denne and I went to a restaurant in Darra. The total came to about $250? I was a pretty good dinner I'd say. We all stuffed ourselves to the max. Afterwards we left for Leon's house. Waited a while until everyone was there and we started to gather to open our secret santa presents. Honestly, this group is full of such generous people. The minimum present price was $40, but many exceeded $100, even $130. It's amazing the things people got. I think the most ecstatic person would be Vinh (Flynn), who got some fucking beast as basketball shoes. He was so excited that everyone got fired up with him. It was amazing opening the presents. The anticipation made everything so much better.

 Afterwards we played drinking games. I'd say that, by fat, 4 Kings is the most fun drinking game I have every played. It was HILARIOUS when KT flipped a Jack and made a rule that everyone that doesn't speak Vietnamese would have to drink. It's funny to see how much everyone struggled to speak Vietnamese. Since a lot of people either didn't know the game, or didn't completely remember the rules, Katie (Hoc's cousin from vietnam) and I were shitting ourselves laughing at the way TD and others were using literate translations, broken Viet and gestures to try and explain everything. There were times were they would rage quit and just shout it out in english, followed with a FFS and then a scull of the drink. It's like, "Fuck I GIVE UP!! *Drinks*" 

  After 4 Kings, we played another drinking game... I have no idea how the fuck you spell it. I'll ask Denne tomorrow lol. The moment when Kevin L was able to give 6 drinks out to someone, fuck he was so hyped. He was so excited to fuck someone up that it was adorable.


Honestly, that night was a taad bit weird for me. I'm not very open to people nowadays, although I am still straight forward. After a big of drinks though I was an open book. I kinda reverted to who I used to be ish. Looking after people, cooking for people, more willing to talk to people I don't really no rather than keeping to myself more and just going along with what they are saying. Had a chill sesh with TD, Vinh, Kevin and Alex outside from 2 am in the morning til about 5. It was real fun. 

Vinh and Kevin got so much more talkative when they drank, and from then on, I felt so much more accepted by them. Iunno hey, I'm kinda used to being fucked up and being fucked over. After everything, I honestly am scared of being rejected by people for who I am. I've finally accepted me for who I am after a lot of soul searching. I thought that since I came to terms with who I am, my Friends would too. But apparently that wasn't true

But as Alex said, "well, they aren't really friends now are they"

Something so simple just hit me in the face
"Yeah you're right"

Guess it's not something I would be jdfhgkjadfhg over. Fuck, it's 3 am and my blog doesn't fucking makes sense... i think. Well, I'll end it here. 


Thursday, December 26, 2013

Guitar, Just Feel Like Sharing =)

I started listening to some classics again and I came across some people who used to be  my inspirations when it comes to guitar and music... honestly, right now I am so tempted to just take back Sabichi from Denne's brother, John, and start all over again. Honestly, I feel as though I've been an asshole to Sabichi... I haven't played him for the longest time. Not to mention during grade 11 and 12, I left him in the corner to collect dust, along with a family of spiders. I really want to start playing again, miss my guitar like crazy... DW BABY!!! MUMMY IS COMING TO GET YOU!! (note... sabichi is the name of my guitar lol. Yes... I named my guiar LOL)

I'll try to minimize the amount of videos I post... So here is a song that is more modern, something that you guys can relate to.

Skrillex - Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites.
I didn't think that Dubstep could even have an acoustic version.. LOL


Pachelhel - Canon
 The amount of skills and techniques used in this song is INSANE! Finger tapping in the beginning (can not stress how hard it is to play the higher notes at such speed with this style of play), pulls on/offs, finger styling and picking, along with muting/silencing, strumming jcvhlkjxfghjklxhfg. 

Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine

Led Zeppelin - Stairway To Heaven
 ANIME THEME SONGGSS!! A youtuber by the name of Lonlonjp has always been the person that inspired me the most with guitar... and this is why,

Naruto - Sadness and Sorrow 

Naruto - Bluebird
 Final Fantasy X - To Zanarkand

 Last one!! This man has a fucking unique way of playing the guitar I swear... It's amazing. I met him busking once... best $5 I have EVER SPENT... if only I had more money, shiet.

Owen Campbell - Sunshine Road



Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Different Eras

I swear, this man is fucking AMAZING!


It really feels as though my mum lives in a completely different era. I  understand that my parents and grandparents are from completely different times and countries, but it feels as though they have no ability to adapt what so ever. It  must of been hard for porky since he was so young when our family moved to Australia that it was practically like he was born here. The contradicting values and aspects of life must have been a bitch the deal with. 

Why am I blogging about this? Well, Denne just left my house, and it is nearly 12 pm. I understand that it is late, but she gave me a massive talk. I can understand that she wouldn't be happy about it, but the things that she said in the talk is what really infuriated me. She proceeded to ask me stupid questions like, "Do you really think you will marry him", and "what are you? Husband and Wife?"

I understand that it was much more conservative at Vietnam back in the days, but the thing is... ITS NOT VIETNAM. Common, I still keep my values ffs. I ain't no slut, I ain't no druggie, I ain't no addict, I ain't no dirtying cheating son of a bitch. I'm loyal as fuck and it doesn't even matter. She just sees as though dating at my age is just fun and games, when I take relationships more serious than most people I know. Want a loyal spouse? Fuck I wouldn't cheat on you even if you were the ugliest shit on earth. But apparently, that doesn't really matter. 

I am here in Australia, 17 and only had 2 boyfriends. The first lasted 3 years, and the current is going on to 7 months. YET.... YET, my mum ALWAYS thinks its a game... Fuck and in Vietnam, my cousin who is only a week younger than me had dated at least 8 guys before she even started grade 10. Like.. Shiet... and she thinks I'm a POS.... fuck that logic. 

Anywho, I honestly hate it when she kept asking if I think I am going to marry him. I'm not gonna be a naive  teenager that is like, "OF COURSE I'LL MARRY HIM". I don't know whats gonna happen in the future. I'd love to one day be happily married to him one day, not to mention have mini Denne and Kittys running around. That'd be amazing, but nothing but death is 100% sure. I honestly just ignored her question because I know what she could get out of it. She's kinda the, "I told you so" person. So yeah. Well, there is more I can say with this topic, but after all that got off my chest, I feel completely happy again. Rather blog about yesterday then about this useless thing lol.

I no longer care about the, "I'll prove you wrong" thing, if it happens, it happens. If it doesn't, then i obviously would be sad as shit, but I guess it just wasn't meant to be.


Monday, December 23, 2013

My Room Is Different + We Argue More Often

"I don't want a lot for Chrismas
There is just one thing I need
I don't care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree.

I just want you for my own
More than you can ever know
Make my wish come true
Oh, All I want for Christmas is you."

I guess today I decided to do two blogs in one since I gotten kinda lazy and I'm a TAD bit sleepy.

My room has had quite a dramatic change. After living like a bum for a period of time, I got my ass up and cleaned the SHIT out of it =). With Denne around, I took the chance to move my furniture around to what I've been having in mind for a good few months now. Denne seemed to be pretty content with the change since he can enjoy some anime action in a super comfortable way now LOL. Well, at least that is what I interpreted his expressions to be. First photo is the view from my bed. As you can see, my desk is now fully set up right next to my bed lol. Second photo is the view from my door. Don't mind the quality though .-.

There is a few things I'd like the mention, however they are too short to fit into a paragraph. Hence, I'll just note them in dot points! xD :
  • Denne and I have been spending more time together nowadays. Its good that despite this fact, he is still spending time with his friends. All in all, Kitty is happy.
  • Due to the budget I am running on in order to make money to spend in Vietnam, I couldn't collect enough  money to make Denne one of  those female anime santa outfits, so I got him a handful of costumes. They arrived HEAPS earlier than I had thought it would and Denne seemed  more than pleased with that. If you know what I mean.
  • Denne asked me to give him a hair cut after I fixed his hair from the last time he had it cut. Honestly.. the faggot didn't really ask, he pestered and bribed me into doing it. I eventually gave in and did it... Once he makes up his  mind, there's nothing that will stop him I guess. Well, it took a while. Heaps of hair... HEAPS... EVERYTWHERE. In the end, he said it was good. I don't know if he actually means it if he is trying to be nice, but oh well. I guess I gotta believe his ass =)
  • Denne is off work now for the holidays. We found out that he was going to get a $200 gift for christmas. Pretty fucking dope boss if you ask me.
  • Denne snores loud ,-.
  • You also dribble a lot LOL!

Denne and I have been arguing more than we used to. He is starting to show his less attentive, dopey, spacey  and joking side whilst I start to show more of my broken, mentally unstable and  hot tempered side. Those things don't really mix well, as you can tell. Although these traits are a horrible combo, I can honestly say we are arguing less than I anticipated  I wouldn't even call them fights as I usually would. I get mad at him, we says sorry when he knows that he has fault, then I apologies when I calm down a few minutes later. We talk about it, sort things out, make adjustments and hear each others' opinions and thoughts on the topic. We hear each other out without in order to get each understand from both POVs, and compromise so that we can maybe handle it better next time. A number of the fights few as though it is just a learning process in which we learn about our significant other on an even deeper level than before. 

Though I say this, we often argue about money. We spend pretty much every single day together, that, and we are also tight on money since the Vietnam trip does not come cheap, so I can understand where it is coming from. Denne tends to spend very impulsively, so things come up here and there. Plus, its Christmas and New Year soon, so you can see why things tend to come up. 

I've been pretty distressed lately with the number of arguments and disagreements we have been having lately. Though it is nowhere near as much as what I have experienced, It still terrifies me. Although what happens after the argument and how the issue is solved is COMPLETELY  DIFFERENT, I still can not help but be scared. I guess I'm just scared of the same things happening again, scared of being broken even more. Being distressed about it doesn't really help the situation since it puts me even more on the edge, making me easier to blow off. I'm grateful though, it seems as though Denne might have picked up on my distress as he has been slightly more gentle to me. Its crazy that he can make me feel so at ease, so fast after I snap at him. Its amazing how understanding he can be. 

No matter how many times I fall apart, no matter what the reason, he comes and picks me up. He picks up the pieces and fit them back together before he begins to solve the problem. 

"Didn't I tell you from the beginning? No matter how many times you fall apart, I'll be there to help you pick up the pieces one by one."

I guess someone as fucked over and fucked up as me needs someone as kind as him. Although he is a complete derp face, he is MY derpface ^~^ Something that I treasure more than anything.  Honestly, within the mist I've been in since I started dating Denne (mainly school, fake friends and familly complications here and there), I've never been happier. Welp, back to working hard and earning more money so that we can have a MOTHER FUCKING MAGICAL VACATION!!! YOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSHHH!!!!



Friday, December 13, 2013

What I Think Is The Key To A Relationship

People these days take on relationships in such a naive and childish way compared to the generations before us. It is more of a fairy tale than reality to most, hence why it is possible for people to think that being together for a few months is a "long time". Everytime some arguement springs up, we tend to question ourselves if we are "with the right person". It is as though our significant other is souly responsible for our happiness, and once that honeymoon phase high is no longer present due to disagreements and the clashing of personalities, we feel as though it is wrong. The desire for the high that was once present in the relationship eventually leads to ... yeah.

Its just that people do not understand that every relationship has a cycle… In the beginning; youfall in love with your partner. You anticipate their calls,want their touch, and like their idiosyncrasies. Falling in love wasn't hard. In fact, it was a completely natural and spontaneous experience. You didn't have to DO anything. That's why it's called "falling" in love. People in love sometimes say, "I was swept of my feet." 

Picture the expression. It implies that you were just standing there; doing nothing, and then something happened TO YOU. Falling in love is a passive and spontaneous experience. But after a few months or years of being together, the euphoria of love fades. It's a natural cycle of EVERY relationship. Slowly but surely, phone calls become a bother (if they come at all), touch is not always welcome (when it happens), and your spouse's idiosyncrasies, instead of being cute, drive you nuts. The symptoms of this stage vary with every relationship; you will notice a dramatic difference between the initial stage when you were in love and a much duller or even angry subsequent stage.

At this point, you and/or your partner might start asking, "Am I with the right person?" And as you reflect on the euphoria of the love you once had, youmay begin to desire that experience with someoneelse. This is when relationships breakdown.

The key to succeeding in a relationship is not

finding the right person;

  it's learning to love the person you found.

People blame their partners for their unhappiness and look outside for fulfillment. Extramarital fulfillment comes in all shapes and sizes.Infidelity is the most common. But sometimes people turn to work, a hobby, friendship, excessive TV, or abusive substances.

But the answer to this dilemma does NOT lie outside your relationship.

It lies within it.
 I'm not saying that you couldn't fall in love with someone else. You could. And TEMPORARILY you'd feel better. But you'd be in the same situation a few years later. Why?

Because the key to succeeding in a Relationship is not finding the right person; it's learning to love the Person you found. SUSTAINING love is not a passive or spontaneous experience. You have to work on it day in and day out. It takes time, effort, and energy. And most importantly, it demands WISDOM. You have to know WHAT TO DO to make it work. 

Make no mistake about it. Love is NOT a mystery. There are specific things you can do (with or without your partner), Just as there are physical laws of the universe, there are also laws for relationships. If you know how to apply these laws, the results are predictable.Love is therefore a "decision". Not just a feeling.

Remember this always: You have no power in who walks into your life, however it is up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go.

Also, don't get me wrong, even though this is the theory I go by, it is not always easy to follow it. Everyone is only human, we make mistakes and we contradict ourselves. But that is how we learn and grow as a person.


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Welcome To Another Place I Call Home

Amazingly, I'm seriously getting into EDM. That may be because it actually has some legitimate and meaningful lyrics that I can relate to, whilst fucking pumping it with a good beat. Its honestly better than dubstep in my opinion, since dubstep is just... beat and weird sounds mashed together...

"I could feel it, I could feel it, I could feel it
In the air around me
and I can see it, I can see it, I can see it
Cause it all surrounds me

You got my love down 
Love down baby
Got my love down
All I need is your love love love"

Well, how that I'm done with the music, now to blog =). I've been busy as hell lately. Haven't blogged in a bit and it feels a tad bit weird imo. Well, the reason why I haven't blogged much because I've been planning things out for Vietnam. I feel so fucking appreciative towards my mum. It seems as though my High School graduation dream is about to be accomplished. People asked if I was going schoolies, I answered that I wanted to go on holidays with Denne instead. Well, EVERYTHING IS PLANNED OUT!!!

Mum, Quang and I are going to Viet Nam on the 26th of January 2014... and Denne is also gonna join! I'm so excited. There is so much I want to show Denne, there is so much I want Denne to experience. I can't wait to show Denne why I love Vietnam. Rather than the side of Vietnam people don't like and rather avoid, I want to show him the part that made me fall in love with the country. 

Denne, this the place where we will live for three weeks. 
Nga bay around about of Provence 10

I really can't wait to go on holidays with you Denne. I have a feeling that it is going to be AMAZING!!
Well, the past week or so, I've been working many hours. I'm planning to save up 1.1k AUD for spending money in Vietnam. I want to save up as much as possible, although we are meant to save up together. Denne is already having to spend 1k on the tickets and then money on getting his passport and all done up again. I feel as though its only fair on me that I help out too. We were planning to save  2-3k together, however after a bit of calculations, it seems as though we only need 1.1k. We figured that 1 million VND per day should be about enough for a large majority of the days. If we don't use all 1 million dong, we would just save it for the next day. With this, we don't really need to depend on my mum or Denne's mum as much with this trip. 

Welp, EXCITED AS SHIT!!!! Worked 4 days a week last week. From here on, its 3 days per week. Yay =3 It's really tiring, but its way worth it.



Sunday, December 8, 2013

Its A Snorlax!!

It's 10.20 atm and Denne is fast asleep... I was on ebay trying to fix things up. How did I know the faggot was sleeping?? Well, lets say he fucking snores so damn load. Its hard to not notice. He is such a deep sleeper, jesus fuck. I moved his arms, laid on his shoulder and wrapped his arm around me. Its amazing he did wake up .-. As a matter of fact, he is snoring even loader... you see why I call him a snorlax?? I honestly kinda enjoy being a creep... I'm watching him sleep while listening to his heart beat... whilst trying to ignore the ... yeah. Maybe one day Denne might break his own eardrums in his sleep oO