Reaching For Clear Skies.

Friday, December 27, 2013

The Christmas Post (Finally lol)

Well, its been 3 days since Christmas. I've been meaning to blog about what happened, but I guess things came up that made me want dish out instead. By the time I finished, it was late and I wanted to smash my head on the table and sleep LOL.

Just downloaded the anime "Free!". Apparently it is a yaoi so I am REALLLY looking forward to it. Saw some fhgsdfhgdsfjgh cute anime guy abs and I kinda had a ttttiiiiiiiiiinnnyyyy fangirl moment... Shhhh Denne doesn't need to know ;) LOL

Well lets see if I can remember everything. Spent the day at work. Did a 8 hour shift starting from 8 am. Though I was completely exhausted, I was happy. I was able to convince my mum to let me stay overnight at Leon's party. Worked extra hard that day, made a regular customer from an adoring old couple. I greeted them good morning and asked how I could start off their day. I delivered their raisin toast with coffee and english tea along with a few extra cookies since I remembered how much the old lady enjoyed them the first time she came. I couldn't be sexist so I made sure that I offered the man the variety of daily newspapers we had to offer. After a few hours after their departure... well what do you know? They both came back for lunch and made sure to mention that they well see us again soon. That made me happy as hell xD

Anywho, afterwards, 2dn, Denne and I went to a restaurant in Darra. The total came to about $250? I was a pretty good dinner I'd say. We all stuffed ourselves to the max. Afterwards we left for Leon's house. Waited a while until everyone was there and we started to gather to open our secret santa presents. Honestly, this group is full of such generous people. The minimum present price was $40, but many exceeded $100, even $130. It's amazing the things people got. I think the most ecstatic person would be Vinh (Flynn), who got some fucking beast as basketball shoes. He was so excited that everyone got fired up with him. It was amazing opening the presents. The anticipation made everything so much better.

 Afterwards we played drinking games. I'd say that, by fat, 4 Kings is the most fun drinking game I have every played. It was HILARIOUS when KT flipped a Jack and made a rule that everyone that doesn't speak Vietnamese would have to drink. It's funny to see how much everyone struggled to speak Vietnamese. Since a lot of people either didn't know the game, or didn't completely remember the rules, Katie (Hoc's cousin from vietnam) and I were shitting ourselves laughing at the way TD and others were using literate translations, broken Viet and gestures to try and explain everything. There were times were they would rage quit and just shout it out in english, followed with a FFS and then a scull of the drink. It's like, "Fuck I GIVE UP!! *Drinks*" 

  After 4 Kings, we played another drinking game... I have no idea how the fuck you spell it. I'll ask Denne tomorrow lol. The moment when Kevin L was able to give 6 drinks out to someone, fuck he was so hyped. He was so excited to fuck someone up that it was adorable.


Honestly, that night was a taad bit weird for me. I'm not very open to people nowadays, although I am still straight forward. After a big of drinks though I was an open book. I kinda reverted to who I used to be ish. Looking after people, cooking for people, more willing to talk to people I don't really no rather than keeping to myself more and just going along with what they are saying. Had a chill sesh with TD, Vinh, Kevin and Alex outside from 2 am in the morning til about 5. It was real fun. 

Vinh and Kevin got so much more talkative when they drank, and from then on, I felt so much more accepted by them. Iunno hey, I'm kinda used to being fucked up and being fucked over. After everything, I honestly am scared of being rejected by people for who I am. I've finally accepted me for who I am after a lot of soul searching. I thought that since I came to terms with who I am, my Friends would too. But apparently that wasn't true

But as Alex said, "well, they aren't really friends now are they"

Something so simple just hit me in the face
"Yeah you're right"

Guess it's not something I would be jdfhgkjadfhg over. Fuck, it's 3 am and my blog doesn't fucking makes sense... i think. Well, I'll end it here.