Reaching For Clear Skies.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Welcome To Another Place I Call Home

Amazingly, I'm seriously getting into EDM. That may be because it actually has some legitimate and meaningful lyrics that I can relate to, whilst fucking pumping it with a good beat. Its honestly better than dubstep in my opinion, since dubstep is just... beat and weird sounds mashed together...

"I could feel it, I could feel it, I could feel it
In the air around me
and I can see it, I can see it, I can see it
Cause it all surrounds me

You got my love down 
Love down baby
Got my love down
All I need is your love love love"

Well, how that I'm done with the music, now to blog =). I've been busy as hell lately. Haven't blogged in a bit and it feels a tad bit weird imo. Well, the reason why I haven't blogged much because I've been planning things out for Vietnam. I feel so fucking appreciative towards my mum. It seems as though my High School graduation dream is about to be accomplished. People asked if I was going schoolies, I answered that I wanted to go on holidays with Denne instead. Well, EVERYTHING IS PLANNED OUT!!!

Mum, Quang and I are going to Viet Nam on the 26th of January 2014... and Denne is also gonna join! I'm so excited. There is so much I want to show Denne, there is so much I want Denne to experience. I can't wait to show Denne why I love Vietnam. Rather than the side of Vietnam people don't like and rather avoid, I want to show him the part that made me fall in love with the country. 

Denne, this the place where we will live for three weeks. 
Nga bay around about of Provence 10

I really can't wait to go on holidays with you Denne. I have a feeling that it is going to be AMAZING!!
Well, the past week or so, I've been working many hours. I'm planning to save up 1.1k AUD for spending money in Vietnam. I want to save up as much as possible, although we are meant to save up together. Denne is already having to spend 1k on the tickets and then money on getting his passport and all done up again. I feel as though its only fair on me that I help out too. We were planning to save  2-3k together, however after a bit of calculations, it seems as though we only need 1.1k. We figured that 1 million VND per day should be about enough for a large majority of the days. If we don't use all 1 million dong, we would just save it for the next day. With this, we don't really need to depend on my mum or Denne's mum as much with this trip. 

Welp, EXCITED AS SHIT!!!! Worked 4 days a week last week. From here on, its 3 days per week. Yay =3 It's really tiring, but its way worth it.