Reaching For Clear Skies.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Different Eras

I swear, this man is fucking AMAZING!


It really feels as though my mum lives in a completely different era. I  understand that my parents and grandparents are from completely different times and countries, but it feels as though they have no ability to adapt what so ever. It  must of been hard for porky since he was so young when our family moved to Australia that it was practically like he was born here. The contradicting values and aspects of life must have been a bitch the deal with. 

Why am I blogging about this? Well, Denne just left my house, and it is nearly 12 pm. I understand that it is late, but she gave me a massive talk. I can understand that she wouldn't be happy about it, but the things that she said in the talk is what really infuriated me. She proceeded to ask me stupid questions like, "Do you really think you will marry him", and "what are you? Husband and Wife?"

I understand that it was much more conservative at Vietnam back in the days, but the thing is... ITS NOT VIETNAM. Common, I still keep my values ffs. I ain't no slut, I ain't no druggie, I ain't no addict, I ain't no dirtying cheating son of a bitch. I'm loyal as fuck and it doesn't even matter. She just sees as though dating at my age is just fun and games, when I take relationships more serious than most people I know. Want a loyal spouse? Fuck I wouldn't cheat on you even if you were the ugliest shit on earth. But apparently, that doesn't really matter. 

I am here in Australia, 17 and only had 2 boyfriends. The first lasted 3 years, and the current is going on to 7 months. YET.... YET, my mum ALWAYS thinks its a game... Fuck and in Vietnam, my cousin who is only a week younger than me had dated at least 8 guys before she even started grade 10. Like.. Shiet... and she thinks I'm a POS.... fuck that logic. 

Anywho, I honestly hate it when she kept asking if I think I am going to marry him. I'm not gonna be a naive  teenager that is like, "OF COURSE I'LL MARRY HIM". I don't know whats gonna happen in the future. I'd love to one day be happily married to him one day, not to mention have mini Denne and Kittys running around. That'd be amazing, but nothing but death is 100% sure. I honestly just ignored her question because I know what she could get out of it. She's kinda the, "I told you so" person. So yeah. Well, there is more I can say with this topic, but after all that got off my chest, I feel completely happy again. Rather blog about yesterday then about this useless thing lol.

I no longer care about the, "I'll prove you wrong" thing, if it happens, it happens. If it doesn't, then i obviously would be sad as shit, but I guess it just wasn't meant to be.