Reaching For Clear Skies.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Crave You ~ He's My Leo After All



I have a thing for reading zodiac things. Not necessarily because I believe in them, I just get a buzz from when things are so similar that I go "WHAT THE FFUUUUUUCK" in amazement.  There is this post I read on sign comparability.

Leo Man and Libra Woman Love Compatibility

The Leo and Libra is one of the easier associations. They both love even the thought of romance but while Leo concentrates on ‘me’ factor, Libra believes in ‘we’ and is usually ready to adjust according to the mate. They both feel strong tie with mutual trust and smooth communication in their relationship

Leo man is proud and quite passionate about everything. His need to be in the spotlight and in control is basic because this is the route to his generosity, his loyalty and his compassion. This stems from the courage and sensuality that makes up this Leo man, hence the need for compliments. This fuels his courage and therefore makes him more generous and affectionate as well as an amazing lover. His loyalty and grace are more predominant after marriage as it gives him more stability and something to protect which, in turn, strengthens him even more.

Libra woman is a strong and graceful lady with the most delightful and mesmerizing smile. She is charming and has a rare beauty that clouds her dominating skills and elegant force that leads her in getting what she wants. She is a sweet, appealing and pleasant woman masked with a smooth style that enables her to pounce when her predator gets close. Resistance is futile against her clever and indisputable logic. A Libra woman always respects and loves her man with the deepest and purest feelings. She loves to praise her man and always stays besides him in all walks of life. 

Leo man is effortlessly smitten by Libra woman and her beauty as well as being taken by her ability to graciously praise him and make him feel special. They share a strong union as well as separate interests, in love, careers and independence. While Libra woman is able to take lightly her failures in life, Leo man is not. He is not prone to failure and does not tolerate such antics (you know its true somethings Denne). Libra woman is in love with the idea of a mutual partnership. She is a strong spirited and highly intelligent woman who joins forces and keeps harmony with someone she feels equal to. Libra woman seldom relates with anyone she feels is beneath her. She is in love with the idea of a partnership therefore making her perfect material for marriage. Any Leo man is usually happy in marriage with Libra woman as he is able to protect her and control a more stable relationship.

Libra woman feels magnetically attracted towards a Leo man who is so masculine and charming in his persona. He makes her get weak in her knees and his passion for romance drives her crazy. They both share a great bond once they are together as Leo man knows how to treat a lady and Libra woman loves to be treated that way. He spoils his charming Libra lady with gifts, flowers, compliments and exotic vacations. Their financial relationship is much the same to one as it is to the other. There is no real problem with Leo man and Libra woman in this area. He spends his money just the way he wants to and so does she. She is calm when he tries his nonsensical antics with her, but then turns around and blow up at the same behavior the next time. But the Leo man can simply smile and use his noble charm in appeasing her.

The lovely relationship of Leo man and Libra woman is one of a kind romantic with sweet blend of understanding and acceptance. He makes his lady feel pampered with his warm and cozy ways and she melts him down with her words and brilliant smile. His strong words make her feel relaxed and her tinkling laughter gives him a better reason to start a new day. They can do and achieve anything together with no arguments to stand forever. They both enjoy the sunlight and the breeze and snow brings another romantic evening for them to spend in each other’s arms. Flowers have a greater meaning and expression for their love and promises stand to be fulfilled and kept till death do them apart!

The Air of the Libra woman feeds the Fire of her Leo man quite harmoniously in their love making (lol ;P). Sexually, Leo man and Libra woman are compatible as long as they are both in the mood. If she needs her Leo man on a night he is particularly tired or out of it, she is being inconsiderate and clingy. If his libido is high and it is an off night for her, it is a normal and natural way of a relationship for her to give in to his needs (ahem Denne...). Other than that, they can expect to make beautiful love together. Libra woman needs a lot of romance and her Leo man is well equipped to provide that for her. He is relaxed and slow going with his sensual passion, giving her the time and advantage to soak it all in before the fire intensifies. She, in turn, is highly receptive to his intense passion and need for affection and she always gives him the authority in their love making. Besides a few problem areas in their relationship, the Leo man and Libra woman flow well together, giving what the other one needs and receiving just what they desire.

Usually the relationship of Leo man and Libra woman is a peaceful one except for a few things that can cause small tiffs at times. The only possible problem to consider in this relationship is that Leo man finds a good reason for everything he buys regardless of how impractical or useless it may be (YOU KNOW ITS TRUE!) while he finds his Libra woman spending on pure junk. This would upset any other woman to tears in having to deal with such a selfish and inconsiderate Leo man, but the strong minded Libra woman generally deals with smiles. She is charming and always teaches him whether he is aware of it or not. As long as she can continue to go along with his bouts of dominance in money and career, there is peace and harmony. With the charm of the Libra woman and passion of the Leo man, this relationship will always be exciting in one aspect or another.

That article is pretty much neaaaarr perfect of what our relationship is like. So many of the parts made me laugh so hard and say, "yep, that's definitely us," or,"Deeennnnnnnneee~."

It seems as though Denne also saw more of the little bits to our relationship because of the article. What made me think this? Well, after staring at his figure for a while today, I asked him to stand up so that I  could see  him better (we haven't webcam-ed much for a while since Denne's computer only recently got fixed). I kept saying that he makes me drool even though we already did our "stuff" today. I kept complimenting him and I could see a slight smile every single time. He looks so damn happy every single time that I just sdghjksaghadkjfghfdjkhg. I asked, "you really like it when I compliment you hey?"  

The faggot EVENTUALLY replied with, "Yeah, I'm a Leo after all ^^"

Welp, that was our adventure today.

Also... I GOT INTO UQ!!! OMFG!!! UNIVERSITY OF MOTHER FUCKING QUEENSLAND HERE I COME! I'm so excited, yet completely petrified at the same time... I had a little panic/anxiety attack when I started enrolling online... I had to stop half way. Stupid me had to get completely freaked out to the point where I started crying (facepalm). Yeah, I get distressed REALLY easily. That is something that most people don't know about me.

I hope the future treats me well. Either way, I'm going to try my best ^^