Reaching For Clear Skies.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Hello World - Update

So, I've been busy, under the weather, and feeling overall shitty for the last two or so months. Finally found some motivation to do stuff and its slowly picking up. Its nearly 2am, so I'm just going to do a short summary (yay)

  • I caught up completely with both BIOL1040 and PSYC1020 in 1 day (separate days). BIOL1040 there was about 6 hours worth and PSYC1020 had about 9-10 hours worth. Those were some long... long... long.. long days. Now for my other two subjects.... so much regret you don't even know.
  • I haven't used a glue stick so much every since grade 7 LOL. I gotta admit.. its really fun. I realised that my psychology class has a lot of diagrams that were really useful. I usually draw my diagrams because it gives me more time to absorb the information and a visual cue gives me a better and more solid understanding to biological concepts. So I just snip it out and glue it in =3 I need to buy another one of those tiny little glue sticks... so adorable .-.
  • September is going to be a really busy month for me. At least one piece of assessment is on every week for the next 4 weeks. I'm just glad that mid-semester break is going to start on the 29th. October is really empty since two of my subjects have BARELY any assessments at all. So I can enjoy my mid-semesters. Just hope that Denne's mid-sem would be free too. I really want to go somewhere special and reconnect again (deeply that is - just realised how suss that sounded but fuck it)
  • I have changed my room arrangement yet again. 
  • I've implemented a system that I really like and I have to admit.. I am really bloody proud of it. Hope it will keep me organised. Until the end of the year. If the system works out, I will probably stick with it for a long time. Its so colourful, so fun to set up and its fun to stick to. I'm probably going to take a photo of it tomorrow when I'm free. 
  • Motivation - I've obviously been pretty bummed for a while now due to relationship problems, being completely overwhelmed by university and not knowing where exactly I'm going with my life. I found a bit of motivation that I've been living off for the last week. Random boost of energy and will has got me to finish a lot of things that I thought I wouldn't have been able to, and I guess that alone has really gotten me more motivated. It feels so nice to cross days off my calendar and cross tasks off.
  • POKEMON!!! Well, I trained a pretty much perfect special attacking ninetales and I am blood happy. Ninetales (female) is a sexy beast that destroys everything in it's path (so far) LOL. It took me a total of 4 hours (over a span of 2 days) to breed a hidden ability (drought), 5 perfect IV. modest natured ninetales. Then it took me around 30-50 minutes straight to EV train to to; 252SpA, 252Spd and 4Hp. Then went on an adventure to acquire the TMs I needed and taught her Solar Beam and Substitute. Leveled her up and evolved her with a fire stone, got Flamethower through leveling and went heart scale hunting to get her to remember Nasty Plot. Happy =D
  • POKEMON!!! I breed a hidden ability, 5 perfect IV Dratini a while back... planning to finish building myself a Dragonite. (YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY)
  • POKEMON AGAIN OMFG!!!!!!! I'm so excited for the new Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire to come out. Its the generation remake versions of one of my favourite pokemon generations. I'm just so damn excited you don't even know. Apparently if you pre-order now, you get a free Mega Groudon or Mega Kyogre figurine... I know where my next paycheck is going to magically disappear to....