Reaching For Clear Skies.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Its Spring

Some music to calm your mind, and settle your heart ^^

Its spring, a time for a new beginning. A new routine, a new lifestyle. 

From today on, little kitty will become a manager of a restaurant... yes that sounds ridiculous. Denne laughed at it .-. Anywho, since my family is taking over a restaurant, I must act as manager slash trainer for the new people. Honestly, I'm excited and scared at the same time. I'm happy that I can use this as a method in acquiring experience, however its so nerve racking thinking that I play such a huge roll in the success of the restaurant. Having to train everyone, remember how to do everything on the menu, the routines and all is just so terrifying. I got to work every single day of the week and I'm scared I can't keep up. 

Me, stress and tiredness do not mix well. My tolerance for things become really low. I'm honestly scared of being snappy towards Denne on the holidays, since I will be working long hours everyday... I don't want him to see my ugly side when I myself can't handle his... Sigh, I got to slowly learn how to handle myself better. Must tryyy harder for Deeeeeeeeeennnnnnnneeeeeeee!!!! ARAWRRAWRRAWRRAWR!


Anywho, since its getting really hot.... its time for.... SUMMER PJS!!!! I FUCKING LOVE MY SILKY PJS. I have a feeling my seedy boyfriend is starting to really like it too .-. iunno hey...

I usually never tie my hair up. People that know me from long ago know that I hate tying my hair up. However, Denne seemed to dig me tying my hair up. Since he really liked it, I starting to sport the look. Its not as fucking horrible as I thought it was. I'm starting to take a real big liking to it.