Reaching For Clear Skies.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Girls Are Weird Creatures.

Girls are weird creatures. Every time I meet a new girl, gee I got to admit, I get excited to see  what type of person the girl is. Every girl has an image that is given by everyone, an image that she gives herself and what she really is. What I'm trying to say is that like... um. Here, how about an example. This girl I know, that I have been talking to on a day to day basis was once someone who I honestly avoided. A lot of people around me kept commenting how much of a slut she is and what she does at parties. But when I got to know her, shes a sweet girl. Easy going, easy to get along with, straight forward as shit. These things I like. Not to mention her body is nice. Thin waste, legs and all. Nice and toned. Her ass isn't bad either. 

Another example could be this other girl I met through Hieu. When I first met her I thought she was pretty chill and all. But after about a dozen times, I realize how she keeps trying to shove the fact that she is a model down everyone's throat. The second time I encountered her was at Sunnybank. Her outfit was a bit weird as she had a plain one piece swim suit on, with jeans and heels. She was walking as though she was on the catwalk. Everyone was turning heads and I assumed that everyone thought she was pretty. However, when you take a look at everyone's faces, their expression ranged from "Wtf" to eye rolls to "Ughh". Don't get me wrong hey, I'm not jealous of her. I know that I'm not model material no matter how much makeup I put on. She's tall and she doesn't look that bad, but just not really my type. I guess it kinda irritates me when she tells the ridiculous stories to everyone, because every time I hear it from someone else, there's always something different. It just gets under my skin when people bullshit and lie just to make themselves look better. Just be yourself god dammit. 

After meeting her Hieu tells me that she is a aspiring model and she teaches little kids how to swim as a part time job. That made me admire her because shes doing a good thing helping little kiddies learn swimming skills so they don't end up doggie paddling like me .-. However at school a month or so later, when my girls asked me how to lose weight, her name was brought up and the story was different. Carmen said that she told Carmen that she WAS A MODEL and also a PT. These things just makes me what the fuck. Iunno hey. I don't even know what I am getting at. Well at least after this blog, I realize that I like straight forward girls that can be themselves  rather than girls who slightly twist stories. Either way, Girls can be so fucking akfjhgkjnfvdfsg. With their soft lips, soft skin, long hair... not to mention the boobies too lol. 

Iunno what the fuck I'm talking about anymore so I'll leave it here. 

PS. The second girl I am talking about, I don't hate her, nor do I dislike her. Its just she has caught my attention in a not so good way. But I don't mind her as much at all. I just hope that she doesn't continue with the things she does for so long. So many people have told me how thirsty she is and its getting OLD. People.. I don't give a shit if she is thirsty or not, get the fuck out of my ears about this topic.