Reaching For Clear Skies.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

I Thank You With All My Heart

I am a very retarded child. I care a lot about people that (according to other people) I shouldn't care about. This post is dedicated to someone who was once my world and the only thing I knew existed.

Dear _____________,
(its obvious who it is)

This is like an apology and a "Thank you for changing my life so drastically and allowing the blessings I have now to begin" all in one. 

First is the apology- I'm extremely sorry of how I hurt you. I apologize for the stupid things I did and the stupid things I said. I'm sorry for restricting you due to my fear of being betrayed. I'm sorry that I was a horrible girlfriend and that I made so many mistakes that you couldn't handle it anymore. I know that you're a sweetheart and that you treasure the person you call your girlfriend like no one else in the world. However, along the path we both took together, we both did horrible things for each other and I am willing to apologize for all my wrongs. Also, mostly, I'm sorry about the things I said to a guy that was seeing your current girlfriend before you guys got together. No excuses needed, just a massive dick move. I was trying to stop a friend from doing something stupid, but apparently that doesn't matter.
However, I must say thank you for breaking my heart.

No disrespect or sarcasm. Thank you for leaving me so many valuable lessons to learn, I've taken every single one and now I have applied it to my life. Thanks to that, I've never been happier. Don't think that the love I had for you was nothing, just because I started dating someone new 3 or so months after the break up. My love for you was all I knew of for those 3 years. It's obvious that its true because I still care for your happiness and worry for your family even now. You know me, when I click with someone, I don't let it slide. I had many chances before Denne trust me, at least 7 or 8, but because you destroyed every bit of my heart, I didn't care at all. Denne was a different story though. 

Anywho back on topic. You breaking my heart was the biggest change I have ever experienced. I went through weeks of crying day and night, weeks of building myself up and months of partying and going out. Whereas you only seemed to be partying and enjoying yourself the whole time. Although you put me through hell for months, it became something that I would never change. Thank you for breaking my heart, and letting me find the man I have in my life today. 

Now that I'm with this man, I'm so happy. I've so happy that I cried in his arms... BECAUSE I'M HAPPY. I only ever did that with you during the last few months together. But this guy... made ME... HAPPY CRY! That's crazy! AND TWICE TOO!! Although I can't say we are very similar and very different at the same time, but the thing that brings us together and that makes us happy is that we are both retarded as fuck. And because both me and him are retarded, we  beeeee retarded together! I can be whoever the fuck I am in front of him and so can he, and we both don't give a shit how retarded things can get. We have never hid anything from each other, whether is a weird interest or just something downright creepy. He has spent crazy amounts of me, even though I hate being bought gifts. Yeah we had arguments over certain issues, but thanks to my experience with you, they have all ended on the spot. 

Thanks to the 3 years I've been with you, I've become more confident in myself. I've become more open, more accepting and understanding of how men are women are fucking polar opposites. Thanks to you, I know how to cater to my man in any way possible. I've improved on so many aspects that its fucking insane. I can blow his mind with everything I do for him, and it makes me so happy. 

Fuck just thinking of all I've gone through with him in these last 3 months is getting me close to happy crying again .-. Fuck me dead, hahas. 

Anywho, long story short. By you deciding to split the road we walked together, I have found my little piece of heaven. Even though I am driven almost completely insane with school, tutoring, family financial situation and everything every single day, I still am so happy. I have experienced the most amazing things with Denne and I am so grateful for everything that happened.

I honestly wish you happiness in the future, where ever you are. No matter what happens from here on, you will always be my high school sweetheart. I wish that you find the happiness that I have found for myself. Good luck in life my old friend, hope to see you sometime again in the future, happy! ^~^

P.S. I have tried to talk about my boyfriend in this post as little as possible... Its obvious that didn't work out did it... =D oops

With Love From
   Lien <3