Reaching For Clear Skies.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Ex-Boyfriend

Well, yeah... It's weird, but I'm talking to my ex-boyfriend again.
I know people might say shit and all, but fuck you =) After Mel broke off the relationship, and Lan finding out things about Evan (honestly don't know how the fuck he even did, but that is some fucking good detective skills), we started talking again. I'm a person that hates change, I get over people and things eventually, but I still think "I can't believe that happened" for a very long time afterwards. Yes I am fucked up in the head =3

Anywho, been talking to him for the past two days. Since he is with optus I don't need to watch how much I text him (since its still the same number where there is unlimited txts to optus that I made to text him back then). My brain is like "holly shit, this dude is now just a dude you know. He has not significance in your life what so ever. Now you belong to Denne, and _____, ______, ______, ________ has happened. Your love has changed, its not towards this dude anymore, its to Denne."

It all just hits me in the face and I'm like, ... "shiet, true, things changed so much" and my brain puts two pictures together. Side by side is my past with Lan and my present with Denne.

I tend to get stuck in the past, dwelling over things that have been long gone, however things have changed. Things have progressed from an addictive, inexperienced, hurtful love into a more mature, straight forward/truthful love, with an irresistible attachment.

I don't exactly know where things are going with this blog, but talking to the ex really made it hit me in the face. "Things changed". I honestly smiled as the memories ran through. Things really do happen for a reason don't they?~