Reaching For Clear Skies.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Manta Fucking Rays

Manta Rays.... Holly fucking shit. This guy blows my mind.

Manta, a genus within the elasmobranchii subclass that is shared with cartilaginous fish such as sharks and sting rays. Manta rays are one of the larges animal within the subclass, alongside the gigantic whale sharks and the derpy looking basking shark. The largest measured manta ray is a Griant Oceanic Manta Ray (Manta birostris) that was 9 meters long. THATS A THREE FLOOR HOUSE!!. Imagine swimming next to that thing. They average around over a tonne! They have the largest brain to body weight ratio of any species of fish that we know today. 

Though they are in the same order as sting rays, they have NO STING! They are essentially harmless. Manta rays, despite their gigantic size, they mainly feed on plankton. They spend hours feeding to consume around 30 kgs of food a day. 

 Manta Rays are awesome ><


Sunday, October 26, 2014


I'm so angry at the moment that my hands wont stop shaking. I'm so angry that I always hear the same thing. I always hear, "I'm sorry" for things that happen over and over again. You keep saying sorry .... just to hurt me in the exact same way... how do you expect me to be patient and wait for you?... 


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Looking into the past

As I lay in my bed, having problem sleeping (yet again), whilst having shitty premenstrual syndrome symptoms, I decided to look back on the blogs that we both wrote when we first met each other. Side note: I haven't had a period in a while since I can decide when to take a break from my birth control pills. Obviously I would choose to have a longer period of no bleeding from my lady bits. But with that, I'm not used to the symptoms anymore. The symptoms are definitely not as bad as they usually are when I was off the pill, however, definitely not used to it yet. Switching pills have made me feel kinda groggy (yay).

Anywho, reading through the blogs really gave me the tingles. You know that feel you get when you're all giddy, butterfly in tummy tingly and just asjdghakldfjghladjkfgh.... yeah that feeling. These are probably the things that really killed me. 

"Kitties are hard to figure out,
Are you doing well?"

"Meow. I'm lost, help me?"

"Pretty Keen" 
(For dates)

"Zero is gone for good only Leo is left :3
Let me show you that Kitty"

"Guys be looking at her left n right, don't touch unless you want to feel my fangs"

"Been crashing gfs house after work from time to time, feels different in a sense because she'd be like how was your day and i be like how was hers and what not."

"Light as a feather"

"I'm a machine"

"Work so crappy lately, lifting sheets of metal day after day pushing for the weekend so i can see my kittyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ARUGH"

"Love is one hell of a drug, shit is super addicting but its funny cause I remember one day I was told to not give a fuck about it, then nek week, I find a chick I click so well with, the odds huh"

"Post 158"

"I feel so loved ns hit its awesome. Got a hand made teddy from my girlfriend :) When I first saw it, I thought it was bought from a shop. Like shit... this is one hell of a present haha, really really happy :) :)"

"You are mind and I am yours.
Don't forget that"

"A super cute girlfriend who is super awesome/amazing"

"Breaking down the walls and taking the mask off"

"Her sleeping in my arms so quickly just makes me go nuts. 
I always thought they were uncomfortable as fuck but when she says 'its the perfect groove for me' I just go wow...."

"Feels amazing when she's by my side, I throw all my worries out the window every single time I see that smile and face. Hell, even if I were to describe how much I loved her or how much she meant to me, I couldn't. I've tried over and over again to think of something but all that comes out is I really x10000 love you and you don't even know how much you mean to me"
Hoenstly... all of Post 163 .-.

"All I had to get me through the day was looking forward to seeing my girlfriend at night"

"did you know I was a magician?"

"Mine mine mine mine"

"Other times you would think that you aren't catering to me properly and what not but honestly, you don't need to at all. The things you do for me right now just makes em the happiest guy in the whole entire world. Just seeing you and hugging you makes me feel all fuzzy and warm."

"Honestly, spending time with her is the best, the more we bond the more we want to stay by each others side, shit is cray.|

Post: Line up
Especially: "From then on out, I felt a small spark"

Post: Believe in the heart of the cards
Especially: "I knew what I wanted and that was her"
"I have been writing about her a lot these days but honestly that's what I care about the most and I'm positive that isn't going to change anytime soon"

Thats not all, but it is getting later, so I'll end the post here. I treasure you more than anything, and I think I've shown you that I would go through thick and thin for you. I hope you understand that I love you dearly and that I love you with all my heart, Lets work together towards and happier, brighter and more fun filled future together ^~^

(this post has gotten me so damn emotional)


Sunday, October 12, 2014

Weight Gain - Its all about that bass, bout that bass!

Honestly, weight gain isn't too bad... I like it that my boobs have grown! I can't cup my boobs no matter how much i squeeze the living shit out them. No matter what angle, no matter what approach, no possible way. I cant cover my boob with both hands no matter how hard I squeese it either =D That's bloody awesome! My butt has also grown. The jiggle game is real bro. Denne has developed this thing for tapping my butt... over... and over... and over... and over again. Whenever he is in the mood, he taps my ass to the beat of a song and screams the lyrics. 

When I finish university (in around a month), the toning and making money is top fucking priority. Sexy summer body, here I come. I want a nice pair of thighs and a tight, jiggley gluteus maximus!

Look Denne! Your favourite gstring colour!


Friday, October 10, 2014

18th Birthday

I have to say, that was one birthday that was spent in a bloody awesome way. I spent the morning playing Sims 4 that Denne got for me. After he finished his university things at around 12/1pm, he dropped by my placed and we played simple two-played games on my little brother's tablet. It was one of the best quality time session we have had in a long time. I laughed so hard that my stomach was about to develop bang spanking sexy abs. I was incredibly happy, super super happy. Afterwards, I went back to my Sims game while Denne had a nap. Simba wakes him up way too freaken early in the morning lol.

I created a character for myself and Denne. We ended up getting pregnant... and our first kids were a pair of twin girls... TWINS. The next one was also a girl, but then we got old LOL. Its creepy how much Denne's character mimics him in real life, Denne found it hilarious obviously. 

Around noon, mum got home with little Quangy. Mum and I both started to wash the dishes together and as Grandma and Grandpa come over. They Lixi me $100... that was crazy. It wasn't the money that made my day, it was the fact that my grandparents seemed to have approved of Denne. They were talking about us study so that we can have an easy future together, and that they would help with the money when it comes to our wedding. My heart skipped a beat thinking about it lol. After talk with grandparents, we (mummy, Quany, Denne and I) went shopping at Indooroopilly for a present. 

Mummy got me a Polaroid camera set.

I thought this case was pretty awesome! The flap is detachable! You can just detach the front flap and take photos without having to take the camera out. 

Black and leather and sexy =)

Denne got to drive mum's car. He thought it was a really nice and smooth ride. Glad he enjoyed it. After dropping home, we switched to Denne's car, and he drove me over to Peter's house. Peter and I went to Sunnybank to have ramen. I got to enjoy a nice slow, freeeeee ramen  and it was the BEST. Soup was so rich I was melting. We talked a crap tone and I thought it was really nice. We haven't talked in person like that for a long long time, and it made me even more happy. 

ALSO! Porky and Aunty Thi also gave me $100 ... I feel so spoiled... I gotta visit them soon to say thank you.  

Spend much needed quality time with BF - check
Spend time with BF, Mum and little brother - check
Grandparents talking about future wedding - check
Reconnect with Cousin I haven;t really talked to properly in years - check 
Grandparents, Uncle and Aunty spoiling me - check 
Awesome new present - check 
Had a lot of fun during the day and with the present - Check check and check =)

An amazing day.

I know it wasn't the typical 18th birthday party, where you drinking  until you don't even understand your own bowel movements and then go clubbing afterwards. however, I couldn't have asked for anything better than this =)


Thursday, October 2, 2014

Why I Fell in Love With You

I fell in love with you because you spent so much time with me. It wasn't just time spent being within each other's vicinity. We spent so much quality time together, just you and me. I didn't call in love with you because of the money you spend on me. I didn't fall in love with you because of the food you get me or the endless numbers of car rides you have give me. It's not even because of this heart shaped ruby pendent, encircled in white gold and diamonds that is hanging around my neck or the pandora bracelet around my wrist. If you don't remember, I fell in love with you when you yourself felt as though you were and had absolutely nothing. Don't you remember? 

You asked me,
  "Why me? I'm a bum, I don't have a job, I don't do to school, I don't have anything, Why did you choose me?" 

Why did I fall in love with you? 
I fell in love with you because you gave me your time.
I fell in love with you because you were different
I fell in love with you because even though 'you had nothing', you still had plenty to give. Whether it was a ten minute cruise, a date at mount cootha or a late night run to the park.
I fell in love with you because you made me feel as though I was the most important person in your life. 

As corny as it is, I love you so much, words can't even begin to explain. I hope you can understand where you need to focus your energy as we go begin to learn to love each other's flaws.