Reaching For Clear Skies.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Feathery Friend.

I just got myself a birdy fwiend.

She is a little teenage cockatiel that I bought off a man who could no longer have her because his residence had a no pets policy. He did a REALLY good job raising this little one. Her name is Pepper, I feel like changing her name, but I'm not quite sure what to call her. She is definitely a little cutie, Denne warmed up to her REALLY fast. To be honest, I wanted to get a male that was white and pied, but the second I met this little girl, I was absolutely in love.

Before stopping at the man's place, which was on the other side of the city, we when to petstock. There is a Petstock at Oxley, just a few minutes drive away, however it was closed due to the extreme weather. Luckily, the Indooroopilly Petstock was open. I bought a huge cage because I wanted to make sure that if I were to get another bird, there would still be plenty of space for the both of them. I wanted the little one to have as much space as possible, considering she will be staying in the when I'm not around. Don't want her to be bored and restricted.

Yeah... you can see how big that cage is. I made sure to do some research about what types of cages were good for a small bird and the type of toys I should get her. The cage could fit 3 or so small birds, has well spaced and sturdy bars and a tray at the bottom for easy cleaning. Everything else about it is quite standard. Also bought a rope swing, a straw nest, a ladder made of rope and natural wood, some hanging honey seed treats and a small hanging perch. I got a $10 discount for a missing bolt at the bottom that they replaced (no, I didn't ask for it) and $9 discount from my points on my loyalty card. Pretty solid. There are still things that I'd like to get her. More toys! To make sure she is entertained when I'm gone. I absolutely love Petstock. The most friendly and animal friendly pet shop. Whenever you enter the store, there is ALWAYS someone who is ABSOLUTELY in love with animals. They are always enthusiastic and I LOVE their energy. It's also so nice to have their little pets around so you can play with. It makes me feel a lot more at home and a lot less awkward. Lovely people. Been to 3/4 different petstock places, and never have I had an experience that is less than amazing.

I'm looking forward to getting a table top play gym. This one in particular from petbarn.
I also want to get a natural wooden perch to hang on the outside of the cage since she seems to really like sitting outside, next to me. She has been resorting to my whiteboard that I have leaning against my table. I was also thinking of getting a mirror and some random toys here and there. I want to get some treats so I can start teaching her tricks =3. Since she is a female though, there is a VERY low chance that I can get her to talk. Hence, I'm also planning to get a male cockatiel within the next half a year. Their food is cheap, so there isn't really going to be a problem with another one joining the family. 

After the shops, we drove to the other side of brisbane to meet the cockatiels. I took a liking to her the most and I decided to get her. When I came to the door, a man come to open the door and his expression was, "holly shit wtf." I don't think he was expecting someone of my stature and appearance to come. He looked a bit skeptical hahas. But after a bit of talking, he seemed a bit more reassured. I felt bad taking the little one away from him, he looked sad and it broke my heart. But I know that I am going to take extra good care of her and that he wasn't able to keep her anyways. So we went our separate ways, and Denne and I took her home. It's been a nice day bonding with her and getting her used to her new environment. She can be a bit stubborn about getting off my shoulder, but she is nervous and she just wants to have head pets constantly. I want to do anything I can to make this experience as easy as it can be for her.

Ps. Denne, I love you.


Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Valentines Day

Valentines day. A day people just love to hate. Couples try to outdo each other, just so they can post it on facebook and prove that they are better than others. It seems as though the day turned into either a world wide competition or a hate/sulk fest for those who are not in a relationship. I got to admit, initially, I also wanted to be blown away by my significant other. I was so endorsed in the superficial image of Valentines day that I forgot the actual purpose of the day. The way I see it, valentines day is like taking a mana pot. Whilst you are build to be able to sustain yourself, after a period of combat, your mana bar will eventually deplete. Before you completely run  out of mana and become completely useless (which obviously means game over, or in this case, relationship over), you can use valentines day as something to give you a boost to keep going. That was probably a shit analogy, but fuck it =D. 

I feel as though valentines day is a day where you can both remind each other of why you're both in the relationship to begin with. It's a day to treat her like your queens and him like your king. It's a day to set aside whatever problems you have in your relationship to the side and start to show how much you love each, despite all the ups and downs. It's a day to look past the flaws that have unveiled itself over time, and begin to love each other unconditionally once again. With weight lifted off your shoulders, even for just a day, it makes things a lot easier (that is if you use the day properly). Tension, if there is any, is lifted, so that you can actually appreciate them for who they are and what they do, rather than being so occupied with what they are not doing. It doesn't just have to be valentines day, do it whenever the hell you want. The date doesn't matter, what matters is that you don't stop appreciating them for who they are, and that you understand that everyone will have either flaws, even you yourself. Just be sure that you are blessed to be with the person you love.

I wrote this on the night of Valentines day and I forgot to post it (oops) =3


Sunday, February 15, 2015

Quitting the Pursuit

Somewhere near the end of last year , I decided that I'd actively purse a good relationship with my dad. That would mean that I'd have to put a lot of my values and a lot of viewpoints/stands behind me because my dad is a man of a completely different age. I had to bite my tongue many times when my dad would make racist and/or sexist remarks. Recently, he made an uncalled for comment about gays which really pushed my buttons. After about two months, I've decided that that isn't a thing that I want to achieve. I feel as though it's impossible to have a relationship with my dad. I don't want to have to deal with his random outbursts and lectures. I don't want to try and be friendly, just to have him misunderstand me, get angry, yell, lecture, then reject me when I'm trying to tell him that it's a misunderstanding. When I ask why he reacts so negatively something that I saw as a small and harmless joke, rather than explaining, he just says, "there is no point of explaining anything, you won't listen anyways and you will only believe what you will believe," even though he is doing exactly as he says to me. 

I really don't want to have to always deal with these backlashes. Even when I try and understand things, he will stick with whatever it is that he think is correct. So to compromise to his way of thinking, I will not try and be close and friendly with my father. All I will do is keep the relationship at a neutral position, making sure it doesn't become a bad relationship again, and just leave it at that. Maybe with will easy his mind better.

Hope things become better in the long run. 


Friday, February 13, 2015

Sometimes I Fucking HATE Being Female

Sometimes I genuinely HATE being a chick. I hate having to deal with, the stupid, absentminded doucheyness from guys. Whether the things you do or say is absentminded or not, whether you though about it or not, it still fucking hurts. Just because you didn't think about the repercussions of your actions, doesn't mean there isn't any. Especially because it isn't something that negatively effects you, doesn't mean that its completely fine. 

It's not like we don't try and be considerate towards it because we know you don't mean no harm from it what so ever. We do. But ITS FUCKING HARD! It's like being bitten by a tiny little Boa in the neck, and not reacting to it even though (initially) there is a sharp pain. We can do Steve Irwin's here and there, but there is a bloody limit. Give your lady some slack. Appreciate the living fuck out of her for taking that shit. If she takes your stupid shenanigans all day, every day, then give her some fucking slack. It fucking sucks dick to have to deal with it. Gurghh.  Frustrated/10

Steve Irwin reference, incase I forget one day.


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Samsung Galaxy Note Edge

Isn't that a beauty. It's so slick that I just want to grab one. Only problem, its $1250 without a plan, and $87/month for 2 years with a plan. Insanely ball breaking hahas. Still, not bad to dream right? (Cough)


Friday, February 6, 2015


I hate roaches... They are bloody disgusting. I just saw one while taking a late night pee. I really don't want to deal with them, yet i don't want that fucker to go into my room... So I just got a big, old honey tub and placed it on top of him while he was running away from me. I don't want to touch it.. so I just wrote a sticky note to dad saying, "It is a roach!" and stuck it on the tub. Good Luck with that dad (Y). 


Sunday, February 1, 2015

Just a Usual Update

A lot of things have happened since I stopped blogging on a day to day basis. I guess I should just list them here.

  • I have things planned out in regards to how I'm going to be doing for 2015. I won't be going to university since I want to become a veterinary vet. Although you only need a TAFE diploma for that career, I don't want to only achieve a diploma. I want to get at least a bachelors degree at university along with some business degrees to help me move up the ranks. So far, I have only found one university that offers a degree for that. UQ only offers the course at Gatton and it is going to be a dual degree.  The sign up time was closed at the end of September last year, and it is a semester 1 only sign up. So I have to wait another year. So during 2015, I will work and help out at the family restaurant. I'm hoping to find a job at a pet store since so that I can get to know the products better. It will also allow me to save up money for my Vietnam trip, early next year. I should have a minimum of 5.5k by the end of the year. Since I'm putting in $100 a week and my new account has a pretty high interest rate.
  • For Christmas, Denne got me a Corsair Gaming K65 keyboard. It's a mini LED, red switch mechanical keyboard and my lord is the sound of the keys tapping heaven to my ears of what.
  • I got my computer fixed. I got it serviced for $80. When I went to pick it up, I also grabbed a razer kraken 7.1 surround sound headset. My ear JUST fits into the headset. I can't imagine anyone who isn't a tiny person wearing this comfortably.
  • I started playing Mabinogi again. Its a lot easier to play when you aren't continually lagging and rubber banding (Y). Everything is a lot faster. I'm also becoming quite fond of Neverwinter. Might try out some more games. And might install the old school games that I grew up with. Excited as hell (Y) 
  • Working 4 days a week on average since a lot of our long term workers decided to concentrate more on studies. We are currently short on people and I fill in as much as possible. It might get worse if we can't find a number of people with some experience by the next month. One of our best workers is starting university this year, so she cant work the majorityu of the week like she did last year. This might get a bit chaotic 
  • Got a good number of new clothing
  • Spending more time at home
  • I developed a goals system for every month and for a year as a whole. For the year one, it's just a list of things I want to do during the year. Kinda like a bucket list. For the month, it involves money saving goals, things I want to get so that I don't forget, and things I want or places I want to go during the month. This makes sure that I am productive since I don't want to spend my year off from studying as a year to be a lazy piece of shit sitting at home all day (lol). Like Hank Green says, "don't do nothing. Never do nothing. Well... its ok to do nothing here and there, but don't always do nothing." Hahas, his way of saying things with over average emotions with a bit of awkwardness mixed in it is quite lovable.
  • I got a new bikini, VERY excited to use it. 
  • I am now a C cup (yay to not having itty bitty titties anymore... even though its still on the small side). I went from an 8A/B to a snug 10C within about... 2 years? Maybe less?
  • Eating healthier! No really exercising since work takes the living shit out of me, but I'm actively trying to eat healthier. More salads, no more soft drinks unless it's a special occasion and a FUCK TONE of water. Like.. so much water that my pee is white. The water makes my stomach look pretty big compared to normal, but if that is going to help me become healthier and lose weight, then fuck it, I'm just going to deal with it for now.
  • I only just realised recently how different Denne and I are raised. It makes it kinda hard when our morals conflict and when our ideas and ideals conflict. But we are still on the path to understanding each other more =) We don't spend day in day out with each other anymore, it seems as though we both treasure the time we do spend together a lot more since it does seem to make us uncomfortable to not be able to touch each other everyday
That should be it for now. Yay.