Reaching For Clear Skies.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Quitting the Pursuit

Somewhere near the end of last year , I decided that I'd actively purse a good relationship with my dad. That would mean that I'd have to put a lot of my values and a lot of viewpoints/stands behind me because my dad is a man of a completely different age. I had to bite my tongue many times when my dad would make racist and/or sexist remarks. Recently, he made an uncalled for comment about gays which really pushed my buttons. After about two months, I've decided that that isn't a thing that I want to achieve. I feel as though it's impossible to have a relationship with my dad. I don't want to have to deal with his random outbursts and lectures. I don't want to try and be friendly, just to have him misunderstand me, get angry, yell, lecture, then reject me when I'm trying to tell him that it's a misunderstanding. When I ask why he reacts so negatively something that I saw as a small and harmless joke, rather than explaining, he just says, "there is no point of explaining anything, you won't listen anyways and you will only believe what you will believe," even though he is doing exactly as he says to me. 

I really don't want to have to always deal with these backlashes. Even when I try and understand things, he will stick with whatever it is that he think is correct. So to compromise to his way of thinking, I will not try and be close and friendly with my father. All I will do is keep the relationship at a neutral position, making sure it doesn't become a bad relationship again, and just leave it at that. Maybe with will easy his mind better.

Hope things become better in the long run.