Reaching For Clear Skies.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Interesting Page

        I found a page that made me kind of grin. Not sure if it was a good or bad grin thb. Maybe it was in between?

The 4 Easiest Ways to Accidentally Ruin Your Relationship
Read more:

#1 Making Them Your Mummy
How It Ends
You get home from work three hours after your husband. When you walk in the door, you find what appears to be a small Armageddon in the living room. Dishes are still in the sink from three days ago, the laundry is piling up and ... what the fuck is that smell? Did someone hide a body in there?
As you pass your husband, who is sitting at the kitchen table, meticulously painting the intricate scales of his pewter wizard/dragon combo miniature, he welcomes you home and asks, "I'm starving. What's for dinner?" When you wake up from the ensuing rage blackout, blood and human hair matting your clothes, you discover that the eastern half of your town is gone. Just ... gone.
It's been going on for years, and it just gets worse over time. He acts like a 14-year-old, and you're his mother. You didn't want another child, you wanted a husband. You're so sick of doing chores while he does hobbies, and it's not goddamn fair. Why can't he just get up and do one lousy load of dishes? Just once? No asking. No bragging afterward, like he just donated a kidney to a dying man. Just get up and be a goddamn fucking adult!

#4 Being Up Their Ass
How It Ends
You've been talking to your boyfriend for over 10 minutes, and the most response you've gotten has been "Mmmhhmmm" and an occasional annoyed glance away from the TV when some cheap bastard snipes him from across the map. You put your foot down and ask, "You haven't heard a word I've said, have you?" He shoots out an irritated sigh and repeats your last two sentences back at you like a court stenographer with roid rage, adding, "You cheap, cheating motherfucker! How does he even see me from back there?" Pissed off, you leave the room and call your mom to vent.
Later that night, you walk up behind him while he's pecking away at his computer and put your arms around him. He casually turns his cheek for you to kiss, never taking his eyes off the screen, and doesn't even appear to notice when you walk away. You're going to bed. He's not.
This has been going on for months, and you just don't understand how it got this way. He used to be so affectionate. You held hands everywhere you went. You'd lie around on the couch together and watch movies. You'd kiss and say "I love you" two dozen times a day. Everywhere the two of you went, you crop-dusted crowds with a sickeningly sweet, kissy-face vapor trail that left entire sections of town bent over and vomiting bile. What happened?
        The first one really makes me want to murder someone. With the last one, its probably about time I start spending time on my own rather than trying to do whatever the fuck I'm doing atm. Probably going to start to spend more time with Peter, Michael and the new guy I met the other day. Its nice that UQ has a  few down to earth people. Been talking to Peter quite a lot lately. I'm amazed about how much I opened up to him about the depression thing. Its nice that I'm not being given shit for it for once. 

Ps. I don't really get what this unintentional lying shit is, but there's been an awful lot of it lately.