Reaching For Clear Skies.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Sleeping Problems, Waking Problems

If you know me, you know I have a bloody horrible sleeping problem. Most of the times, I lay in bed with relaxing sleep music... then BAM! 3 hours later... STILL AWAKE!

I kinda want to try and implement a new schedule to help me get my shit together. Planning to wake up at the same general time everyday. Ideally, I want to get up at 9am. However, chances are I won't be able to do that straight up. I'm going to give myself to 9.45am  to wake up. After waking up, brushing my teeth and all that morning doodad, I'm going to do some for of exercise for a minimum of 20 minutes and then complete my morning routine with a shower.

Now, lets see how long I can last.

"I bet you you won't last very long .-."
(Disclaimer: this is not something that Denne said, its just something that I think he's gonna say. Assumption based on past experiences)

Fuck you, I'm GONNA DO IT... cough*hopefully <.>