Reaching For Clear Skies.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Rainbow After The Rain

Honestly, no relationship is real unless there are fights. You cannot have a good relationship without fights. Don't get me wrong, I ain't trying to cover my own ass, but when you actually sit down and think about it, why the fuck would you fight if you didn't give a single fuck. Why would you get hurt so easily if they didn't mean anything to you. Just think about it, lets say your boyfriend/girlfriend made plans with you, you're excited as fuck, but then his friends invited him to something else and he suddenly cancels on you on the day. Chances are you be upset to some degree, but if it was just anyone else, you'd probably won't even give a single fuck. What I'm trying to get at is that, you're so sensitive to the things that they do compared to someone else's because they mean so much to you. Because that they are so important to you, that you hope that they wouldn't "treat you like the others do", (best way I could word it i guess).

Honestly, I've thought of fights as something that either breaks or makes a relationship. You can not avoid it at all, and each fight you have, it's either gonna destroy everything you have, or make what you have stronger. Whichever one it is is totally up to you. If you can wait or the storm, a rainbow will always appear.

If you can make it through those minutes, hours, days or even weeks of fighting, a large majority of times, your bond with each other will only strength as you understand each other more. Its about whether if you actually love them enough and think they are worth it enough to endure through all of that. If you really do love each other you'd look back on fights and reflect on what you did wrong, and what you can do right next time. You'd analyse to understand what gets to them or what makes them happy, what makes them sad and what breaks their heart.

Fighting can be used as a tool that either demolishes very thing you've worked for, or builds the layers of your kingdom. It's your decision which one it does.