Reaching For Clear Skies.

Monday, July 15, 2013

The joyous moment

Henrii came into school to give Anne some money for lunch, and Lan happened to be with him. Henrii was all casual with hoody and all whileLan had somewhat formal clothing on. Our little circle of girls were talking about guys, liking tall guys, classy guys, laadidah. Talking about our boyfriends and spazzing the shit out of ourselves, then Anne went ape shit, screamed and jumped up and jumped onto Henrii. Made me have a massive as smile, cause damn it was cute! XD Made me wish Papabwear came in with BabyBwear ><

Anywho, I then noticed Lan was there and I was like  o-o ahh its Lan, smiled to them and turned to Claudette. She gave me a "what the fuck" and a "Are you ok" look. She instantly smiled and shat herself laughing when our eyes met. She knew! Then gave me the "Go bitch go!" or "I'm proud of you bitch!" look. Hahas I just wanted to jump on her like usual, but didn't want to have any chances of him thinking that I'm trying something lol.

That joyous moment when you encounter your ex, and you don't feel jack shit! XD 

 Was all happy and jumpy all day after that. kept thinking


Friends in last period asked me why I was so happy and hyper, I said "I miss DenneBwear =3" My walking ball of mother fucking happiness. fajdhgkdjfhgkajhgkaljdfhgjlrwhgtureg LOL Going shopping with him tonight!

Also, turns out we are planning to go out this Saturday. Denne&Me, Henrii&Anne, Michael, Maria, Jennifer and (planning to invite) Peter. Might get some chemistry working ;)