Reaching For Clear Skies.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Last few days

The last few days, things have been amazing. Today is a happy and terrifying day all at once. Today is the start of term 3, which will be jam packed with assessments, exams, extended experimental investigation reports, QCS, and not to mention, rarely ever getting to see my boyfriend ... This is definitely going to be a crazy term that would push me to my breaking point. With no way out, things just get a tad bit daunting... just a bit...

Anywho, on the bright side of today. ITS OUR 1 MONTH =3 Denne things is been a long time, I don't know what makes him think that oh well. I have to admit, the last month has gone past so damn fast.

Sunday was an amazing day =3 Although I promised myself that I would never let myself fall so hard for someone again, its hard not to. The more time I spend with him, the more I just get attached to him. He just makes me feel so love with the simplest things he does. The way he treats me, the way he talks to me and the way he smiles at every little thing I do.

Friday night we went to Hieu's place, played poker as I drank a bit. That night we decided to go beach. Went home at 11pm, and ate food. Denne went to sleep earlier because he loss sleep from being there for his kitty the night before. I eventually fell asleep, then woke up at 5 to a horrible stomach ache. Seems as if the fish I ate late on firday night was off. Woke up again at 8 and stomach ache was still hurting. Was thinking of cancelling beach, but I decided to go to Denne's house anyways. Before arriving at his place, we had to drop by shops to grab things for Mummy. Went over to his place and his house was cold as hell, so I changed into one of his white long sleeve shirts =3 That sure put a giant smile on his face *ahem*.

Drank medicine and stayed in bed whilst Denne heads off again to get what we forgot for his mum. Fell asleep due to lack of hours, and woke up to Denne's ass walking around his house with only his briefs on. Pretty common sighting, a wild Denne in its natural habitat .-. Can't help but facepalm every single time though LOL. Denne came in and sat there playing games as I was fixing my contacts since they became dry from sleeping with them in. Awkward thing is... Hieu suddently dropped by. What made it even more awkward is that I was only my my boxers since my skinny jeans were abit tight, and baka Denne had only had his briefs on. Denne held the door as I quickly shoved my jeans back on and opened the door. I was thinking, "Denne you knob... WHAT ABOUT YOUR PANTS... STOP MAKING THE SITUATION SEEM SO SUSS" hahas <3 Love him so much =3

We then went to the beach, then time zone. Bitch, I destroyed you in tekken =3 <3

Amazing day! Fell asleep in the car in his lap. Had dreams of him kissing my on the cheek and ear twice or so. I event dream of him when hes right next to me LOL. <3 So damn happy nowa days. =3

After going home, he slowly fell asleep. The poor thing got knocked out at around 11.55pm, but somehow at EXACTLY 12pm he woke up and mumbled

"Hey kitty, Happy 1 month. Woke up just im time to say that"

I died abit inside ... sgjkhsdfgkljhsdfkjgh

He makes me so fucking happy ^~^


Hes too full ^ LOL