Reaching For Clear Skies.

Sunday, July 14, 2013


The baggage that I've been left with from the last still hurts. The anxiety, fears, insecurities, uneasiness have followed me and its refusing to leave. All that can really be done is endure endure and endure, in hope that one day it will fade away. The deeper I get, the more the baggage starts to weigh, the more fear that builds up and the more anxiety takes a toll on me. The reason behind my fear for falling is that this apparent never ending free fall, may have a crash landing just like before.

There is however, a difference between the last fall and this fall. What is it you ask? Its the fact that this fall will kill me unlike the last. I will not be able to recover from this fall like I could from the last. I'm not saying that the thing I'm falling for is the same as the last.. no. No one really understands anxiety, and no one really cared enough to learn.