Reaching For Clear Skies.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

That Speechless Wtf Moment

Those moments that just blows your mind o-o.

1. I don't stalk my ex, ew
2. His girlfriend is a friend I've known for years, so I have her on facebook, instagram and what not
3. No feelings have been hurting during the process of these events

Straight to the point. I've seen a few photos that just made me go "o-o". Just, no comment, no reaction, just o-o. I was on instagram a few days ago and I saw a photo of his girlfriend with a ring saying things like "its official" and all. Was about to say "CONGRATS~!" like I do whenever I see a happy couple. But the thing is, I saw that he bought the same ring for her as the ring that he gave me for some occasion (forgot, horrible memory). A ring from the beautiful Piercing Planet that I introduced him to. Awkward moment o-o, couldn't think of anything other than "Thats the same one o-o", so didn't post anything. Then today, on facebook after school, saw on my news feed that she was wearing the couple scarf I gave him for Christmas that I spent with him in 2011. Just weird wtf moments o-o, so so so so weird. LOL