Reaching For Clear Skies.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

The No Offence

After the boyfriend fell asleep once again, I ended up calling Michael. He instantly asked what was wrong and made me do a massive wtf. I don't know how he knew, but he knew something was up. We then had an intense "tell me", "no" session. Somehow again, he convinced me to tell me. Short and fast burst of rant came out and he went silent for a bit. I know he was comprehending whether or not he should say what was on his mind and what not. He ended up saying it.

"No offence but, he really needs to look after his gf"

I understand where he's coming from and all, since he now knows I've been sleeping from 2-4am in the morning since I haven't video called with anyone after dating denne and all. And that I'm now only comfortable with Michael and Denne seeing me sleep. I guess he can see how much it's effected me during school or what not. Either that or its just me being retarded.

Gotta admit, really miss the days where I could comfortably webcam with someone (Michael and Hieu) and just fall asleep. But now even if Denne does stay up with me, I can't comfortably fall asleep anymore, cause I know he won't naturally offer it like Michael does and also I know he'd fall asleep la di da. Fuck me dead lol

Michael eventually made me promise to call him every bout when denne falls asleep on me. Sigh... Hope he doesn't go ape shit over it.

Just so exhausted every single day that its driving me nuts.

"If be really was trying, then why would he go on his bed if its obvious that hes going to fall asleep."


Side note: Michael pointed out that me and him fight a lot O-O a total of 16 times (yes he went back and counted lol #adorable) and we always made up straight after. (Y) nice