Reaching For Clear Skies.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Safe Haven

I become so exhausted, warn out and stressed out every single day after school. To the point where I become overwhelmed every afternoon. At the end of the week I feel like I would just slump down and turn into a derp shell. ._.

But whenever I'm with my boyfriend, all my worries seem to just magically fade away. Sometimes I just wish that he would come over everyday, or even better, live with me. I love the times where he just comes over randomly. He'd make me shit myself no matter what way he comes in. After the shock, all I can do is smile.

Welcome Home ^^

I'm Home

All my troubles, all my worries and all my fears just wash away the second we embrace. The feeling is so amazing. Just the thought that his presence could so easily ease me is mind blowing. Sometimes I just sit there and think, "I'd love it if we could live together, or if I could see him everyday."

Being in his presence is like being in a safe haven. There's nothing that can sway me. I can calmly study as I can see him right there. How amazing life would be if that wish can come true. Having the man I love the most with me everyday. Even if it was only for a few short hours everyday, I'd be content. 

Every week I must wait, til the end where I can finally return to my safe haven for just a day. To be in his arms. Without worries and without doubts, just us in a room together, uninterrupted. Laying in bed talking, play chess, wrestling and just enjoying ourselves. 

Hahas, I don't even know where I'm going with this. I'm so brain dead. I'll end it here. 

I can't wait to return to my Safe Haven

I love you

This photo reminds me of him so much that its not even funny <3