Reaching For Clear Skies.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Dear All Tight Ass Asian Parents

Ahem, where do I start?..
First off, we are in the 21st Century, not the 20th. Times change and things change along with time. I respect your old as fuck rules, but no need to fucking push them on me. I don't slut around or party and drink like there's no tomorrow. I study my ass off to achieve the crap that YOU want me to achieve, not what I want to. I'm sick of your violent and just down right nasty way of raising kids. Calling names, hitting and putting down your kids is just mother fucking bull shit.

Yeah, I got a boyfriend, and I'm happy with the way things are. I know I'm in grade 12, but apparently to  you people think that its a crime to be dating. Like seriously what the mother fucking fuck? I don't rape my boyfriends face in front of  you. All I fucking do is just SIT ON, NEAR, OR NEXT TO HIM. Calm you fucking fake as tits. I'm just so sick of you dictating my life, to the point where I just don't give a single fuck anymore.

He's  my biggest source of happiness while you are my biggest source of stress and hurt. So go fuck yourself and your stupid as conservative views. Asian parents just don't know when to stop, and they wonder why they have such shit relationships with their kids and why their kids seems to hate them.

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate my parents. I loved them so much, yet they hurt me to the point where I just don't care anymore. At least my heart tries not to in order to stop myself from going insane. I'm not going to blame you for being what made me into this mess, I'm not going to blame you for who I turned out. I blame myself for being too weak and not being able to handle what you say like those genius Asian kids that got to the top of the hill when it comes to success. At least they can handle what their parents say and do to them. But quite frankly I'm not like that. I know you would have been happier with a child like that rather than me. I already accepted that years ago.

I ain't no genius, I ain't that strong. I rebel to get away from you people who are meant to protect me the most, yet hurt me more than anyone else has ever.
