Reaching For Clear Skies.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

I Couldn't Stop Him...


No matter what I did, I couldn't stop from you Over Dosing. Even with everything I had, I couldn't convince you in the end. I saw that you hesitated, but still, you did it. I'm sorry I failed you as a friend... I'm sorry that what I did was not enough to stop you... I tried everything I could, yet I couldn't stop you. I stayed up just in case something happened, it seems as if my hunch was right. I cut myself every time you did to try and stop you from hurting yourself... I lost control and had my first anxiety attack in months, and cried my eyes out, begging you to stop, trying to convince you that there is more to live for. But in the end it happened.

Now you're at the hospital, but being the horrible person I am, I couldn't find out what hospital you're to stand outside that room and make sure you're ok in the end. I'm sitting in my room feeling like I've just failed you as a friend. I'm sorry... Just please... be ok...