Reaching For Clear Skies.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Change - I'm Flying Again

"I'll fly again... Just you watch, I'll become something amazing." - Squishy
 Something I said, and something I promised to myself after I got heartbroken to the point where I thought my heart was unrepairable. The time when I thought that no one could treat me better than he could, that no one can make me feel like he did. I thought that I wouldn't be able to fall in love again. No matter how many guys, I most I ever felt was an interest, and the term "I love you" lost so much meaning.

But guess what? A few months later. ^~^ 
I'm now a better person. I'm more patient, understanding and free to be myself. I feel so passionately towards my new man and I can honestly say I love you. I want to spend every waking moment with him, and so does he, but we understand and give each other time to ourselves to send alone or with friends. We multitask between games, game call and skype call with each other. Raging and screaming in the middle of sentences without both sides giving a single fuck. I have taken back up a bit of drawing, and currently pondering whether I should seriously pick up Guitar or Raving. The most amazing feelings everyday. I have my wings back within only a few months, faster than I ever expected. All thanks to my lover and protector, Leo, and my true friends. No I'm not perfect, but I'm happy. That's what counts!