Reaching For Clear Skies.

Friday, November 22, 2013

I Give Up On Explanations - No One Believes Anyways

Welp, today while I was at the restaurant for my little brother's 5th birthday. Since I didn't really have anything to do, I was looking on to Denne's phone as he read through facebook. I saw Anne's post saying something about, "the world doesn't revolve around you." Since shes said that a few times about her bf, I thought something was up, so I went onto her blog. When I went onto her blog, I was like "ok?" because I only saw something about how her boyfriend has changed (in a good way). I read through it anyways since there wasn't really anything else to do. Afterwards, I messaged her on facebook to see if she was ok and needed someone to talk to. She didn't reply, so I just thought, "Oh well, she can handle her own I guess?"

It took me maybe 20 ish minutes of total boredom to realize something. I just remembered about the blog I posted yesterday about my style and how a certain LG or two kept glaring me down after copying my hair. I kinda got glared at again by the same chick that day, and I was like, "Fuck this shit" and blogged it to vent. I looked at her blog again, and she had parts where she changed the colour of her font. I blogged about the way I blog when it came to quotations and colour changes. 

That moment, I was like,

 "fuck isn't this great. ==" 

But then I honestly didn't give a shit about explaining myself. I didn't see a point in explaining myself when there was no point in it. Even if I told her that it was a coincidence and I just happened to use that blog format thing as n example since its fucking hard to offend people with it when I only know 3 or so people that blog. But I guess not, YAY. 

I kinda give up on maintaining relationships and friendships. I accept everything about my friends because they are my friend. I ignore their bad habits and the shit that they do because in my opinion, that is what makes them them. If I think of it as a big enough issue, I'd talk to them about it. If they have legitimate reasons, then I'd accept that and they can do whatever the fuck they want, taking whatever protocols they want. It's their life after all. All I actually do is give people options/opinions. But oh well, this world doesn't roll that way. 

I'm slowly entering that state again where I have no real need for friends. I become numb to the shit around me and carry on with life as it is. Why try to change something that doesn't want to change. Why try and fix something that obviously can't be repaired. I've only lived about a  fifth of my life, its not like I won't ever find "friends" again. 

Welp, looks like henrii is starting shit up again. 
Seriously shut the fuck up. You think bitches copying you? Why don't you stop being such a bitch and keep your little mouth shut. Why the fuck would you complain and rant about people copying your blog? ITS A FUCKING BLOG. Bitch. Yeah you know who this is for."
Awh honey, you're not a slut. I mean, you sure act like one, talk like one and brags a lot like one but hey, not a slut at all. 

Thanks, Hence why I don't even try. The word "friends" have absolutely no meaning.