Reaching For Clear Skies.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Weird and Unexpected Approach

Well, today, Denne and I went to get his hair cut. Some parts were a bit weird afterwards, so I helped him fix things here and there. I honestly think he looks pree fucking sjkghkdfhjgd in his new hair style xD. Whilst we were at the back of Denne's house fixing up his hair, I took the chance to finish cutting my fringe so it doesn't look as retarded anymore. Thinned it here and there, cut the from part shorter by about 10 + cms. Was happy with how it came out. 

Afterwards, we went to hand in my form to TimeZone at the city then visited the salon to get some hair dye while I was at it =3. So fucking excited that I'm about to get my hair a cotton candy pastel hair!! I got to dye the part I want pink into a white colour first. Hope it doesn't fuck up my hair too much though. I was planning to go to the place that Denne always gets his hair cut to dye it. Cost me around $62 dollars. Broke my balls... only those two things and it was $62. I'm planning to get my hair bleached at a salon first, THEN dying it pink myself. 

Side note:  Jesus... Denne is snoring so loud o-o

Straight after going back from the city, we went to Teddy's place for his birthday. I got to say, I LOVE Teddy's grandma. She started the rounds... The lady opened the bottle of Jim Beam, went and poured a shot for EVERYONE in the room. A-fucking-mazing, she deserves a fucking thrown...I didn't intend to drink, but I couldn't say no to her, so I ended up with 4 shots. Afterwards, I went into Teddy's room where there was about 3 guys and one other girl (all my age). Me and Tram stood behind the computer chair watching one of them play League. Since I'm not really a fan of League, I seated myself on the bed and had a little small talk with the people there. Apparently everyone there knew who I was. I was wtf-ing the whole time. 

It turns out that one of the guy there was a certain someone's ex. He said that certain someone (lets just make it CS for short) talked about me a lot, and me and her did when we went out. That also made me what the fuck again, since I didn''t know she was talking to her ex that much. The he continued to go on about how he sees whats been happening and stuff about her calling me a slut. Honestly, all I said was, 

"its weird that she calls me a slut when I've only slept with 2 people that I dated. One for 3 years and one that I'm currently in now which is lasting nearly half a year."

Side note: Honestly, people throw around the word slut so much these days without even knowing the meaning... Last time I checked, a slut was a female who is disloyal to their significant others. Those who sleep with more than 1 person at a time, those who cheat and those who two time. I have in now way done that, and ... yeah iunno. I don't get it

Well after that, CS's ex started saying stuff about her. What she did to him and how he was cheated on, two timed and everything. I didn't want to stoop down a level and start bitching about her, so I just brushed things off with, "really?" and stuff like that. There was this last statement where he said that it was funny that she called me a slut when she actually did those things herself, made me go "OOKAAAAAAAAAYY" and end the convo there. 

I found it weird that he approached me. Maybe there were other motives behind it? Maybe there was something going on to see what I say or what not. But I seriously did not give enough shits to continue it. Didn't want to let something so petty ruin my day again. 

Afterwards, Denne, Leon, Teddy, Kevin, some other people and I played Tekken. It was funny that every time I kill Leon he was like "fdslkghkhgaihg". Honestly think he has a pretty cute personality. 

Lots of things happened, but I was pleased with myself that I didn't stick to Dennes side the whole time. I was 100% comfortable with giving him space to hang with his friends. I'd say that less than 40% of the party was spent with him. 

Anywho, off to mabinogi!!!!