Reaching For Clear Skies.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

The End

I got this song off Kevin and shit it is freaken hilarious. "Because I got high"

Its finally the end (YAY). After everything happened, its finally done! Good riddance to someone who isn't worth my investments. Anywho, I apparently have a new reader, the certain someone told me that ________ was reading through my blog. Well, Mr _______ , welcome to my world *stretches arms*. Just saying, the person that you're supporting, the person who you see as your "best friend" isn't that great of a friend as you think he is. You can not even imagine the things that he has said about you. When you weren't around, the shit he said about it is just fucking eye opening. He proclaims that you're his best friend, yet he so easily calls you annoying as fuck. He easily says he prefers to double date with another couple because you are too "wiped". Your best friend says that you're always trying to make everything into a competition with everyone, especially him. Doesn't that sound familiar? Isn't that what he said about me? Oh my. He thought you were all high and mighty about your  job and said that you were shit at it, laughing at the convos he had with people about how slow you were. This shit only scratches the surface, I'm not gonna even bother investing anymore of my time into this shit. After going along with the shit to see what more he would say, all I have to say to you is, good luck with your "best friend".

To the dude that thinks he is up there and dishes out the word immature like he is a wise man, dude you got to fix your shit up many times more than I ever will. Don't be so damn hypocritical. Tell me to take responsibility for myself? After my confrontation with you, I fixed my shit. What about you? Take responsibility? TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR HOW MUCH MUCH YOU HURT YOUR GIRL. 
Dude let me tell you, some the the blogs that your girlfriend writes when she is distressed fucking breaks my heart. When you aren't there for her and when you hurt her so bad over and over again. I read how she feels and I can't help but fucking cry. She is always thinking about you, trying to make you happy and trying to make things work. The shit that you did still haunt her to this fucking day and you aren't taking anywhere near enough measure to make sure that your woman is ok. In the end, she convinces herself that everything is HER FAULT, just so that everything could stop and so that things could revert back to normalcy. You get angry at her for not telling you things and not addressing issues with you. How can she when all you do is make things other people's fault. You don't give yourself the slightest chance to admit that you're wrong. Things always eventually lands back on her shoulders. Take a fucking step back and your view will widen. Reflect on your shit and see what you did wrong on rather than getting angry and storming off like all the other times. Your girl came to me to talk about these things a lot, and that was all she did. All she sought was an ear to listen, why? Because she knew that if she, or anyone tried to confront you about anything, you would make it into a big deal.

But whatever, if you keep treating her badly, you aren't gonna last and once again, you're gonna lose someone that meant so much to you. Don't let history repeat, and regret it once its way too late... ONCE AGAIN. After all this, do whatever the fuck you want =), be the same two faced person you are and continue to treat her like that, and eventually your world will crumble... AGAIN.

Good Luck with Life =)

