Reaching For Clear Skies.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

When People Reveal A Side of Them You Didn't Expect

When people reveal a part of then that you didn't expect, it's like "holly shit"

Yesterday and today have been full of misunderstandings of our plans. Because of that, we're left just sitting around doing nothig, and falling asleep and wasting the limited time we have on this stupid world. It has caused frustrations and annoyance between the both of us. That isn't really that surprising though. What surprised me was what he said.

Well long story short, after a debate about going or not and what was and wasn't said, we reached the point where Denne pointed out that we needed a tackle box and that the only way we can get one is if Kevin came along. I honestly love kevin's company because he is such a funny dude to be around, however I don't want it to be because of that. I said to Denne that I didn't want to invite kevin just because he has a tackle box because that is basically using him. Well, what Denne said here really shocked me.

"Even if it's so, he's just going to give it to use in good will anyway"

I made a point that it sounded as though Denne was fine with taking advantage of that kevin's just because he will give it to us anyways.

He replied,  "well that is the only way we can go fishing, unless you have something else you can suggest" (along the lines of that, however the second half of the sentence was a lot more harsh)

From there I just didn't reply and went to spend some time along. I can honestly say that I've been expecting hings to kinda turn out like this... exactly like how it did with Lan lol.