Reaching For Clear Skies.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Fuck This World

I need to get things off my chest. Theres going to be heaps of swearing and bitching while I try to get things straight. So here it goes.

Lol its cute how this world is so fucked up. People can say shit about you so easily as though you've never held a signifcant meaning. Even my childhood friend that I've recently been hanging around with lately couldn't help but judge me and talk shit about me. Him and his girlfriend (who happens currently be one of my closest friends) thinks that I try and make shit a competition. Fucking hell, you think EVERYONE tries to make EVERYTHING a competition with you. No, you aren't that good to make people want to beat you. I fucking wear what I feel like on the day that I feel it. Who the fuck cares about being better than you. Get over yourself. It so fucking happens, that I had only one pair of clothing at Dennes house. And are you fucking kidding me?

"I guess she just likes to show off her figure"

Way to fucking make things worse. I happen to like a fucking certain type of clothing. I don't always dress like a fucking nun. Sometimes I wear something that reveals my stomach, who gives a fuck?? I'm fucking 17 ffs. Its the fucking 21st century for peets sake. Your girlfriend qears revealing clothing every now and then too, we aren't conplaining, why the fuck do you have to?

I talk about sex in a way that makes you uncomfortable.... bitch, that rubbed off your girlfriend. Don't make it seen as though I'm the only one, no fuck off. Trying yo make a boys night and dragging Lan into it too. Fuck

This is towards my fucking boyfriend and both of you. Remember the day that we went pool and went home 40 ish mins after?? Yeah that was because I was trying to be fucking considerate towards my boyfriend who said he was "starving to the point where it started to hurt." We didn't have any money for food, hence I said lets go home and grab you a bite to eat. That mother fucker decided to tell this friend of mine that "we were hungry and we were broke." Fucking thanx mate, its not like you're the fucking retard that wanted to go home and eat. Its no like I even delivered the food to your fucking mouth whilw you sit and play pokemon. Fuck you :)

Thanx for ruining my day

End rant.