Reaching For Clear Skies.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

My Knight in Shining Armor

A nice song to up the mood =)

and a bit of EDM <3

My self-proclaimed "Knight in shining armor." Hahas, my man can be so damn cute. 

"Good Night Princess"
"Pleasant dreams my knight"

"Good Morning Hime"
"Morning Sweetheart"

"Do you need help princess"
"I'm ok hun ^~^"

"Kitty, can you grab _____  for me?"
"Hai ^~^, is there any other way kitty can be at your service?"

Honestly, because of what has been happening, I often forgot how much my man is there for me. The little things he does  makes me feel so much better, no matter what is going on. Blogging everything and having him being there for me made me handle the situation a lot better than I  actually would normally have. Rather than completely losing my head at the guy and giving him a piece of my mind, I just took it calmly  and set things straight. Although what I say is not going to matter to the guy, just like every single thing other people say to him (where the fault is put on him), I might as well try. Well those who mind do not matter, and those who matter do not mind. If someone could not come straight to me and address the problem like people this age should, then it  isn't in my place to allow the conflict to waver my mood and or my relationship. 

Well anywho, went fishing with Denne and Kevin tonight. It was fun I could say... well funny actually. At the end of the night, the only one that caught a fish was me. I caught 1 cat fish with Dennes aid (apparently it is pree freaken big)  and a stingray on my own. I guess that technically means that my first catch was a stingray? Denne helped me grab the stingray from the rocky shores while I was holding onto his rod. Whilst watching him and helping him by shining light in his direction, another fish caught on the rod. Him and Kevin started to joke that the fishes were sexist tonight. I joke back that, "ITS BECAUSE I LEFT THE LEGS ON MY PRAWN!! Nothing can be more appealing to a fishy than tiny prawn legs wiggling around :D," and they both laughed. So if you see the bait that still have legs wiggling around, YOU KNOW ITS MEEE"

Yeah, about that fish... The bastard went with the bait. I think the hook wasn't in far enough and I assume it ripped out of the mouth. There was a tiny sorry excuse of bait left near the blunt end of the hook. Freaken adorable. Also, since we decided to go at around 6, everything was closed except for sunnybank, hence we headed to Hanori Market. The prawns were around the size of my hand... freaken massive. Only bought 6, in total it was about 350 ish grams, costing around $10. Anywho, to sleep it is, getting a tad bit drowsy. Can't wait to see my man again tmrw. Nighty night.

Denne got me a bouquet of roses and lilies. The roses in the bouquet are easily the most beautiful ones I have seen. They are MASSIVE. When you look at the photo, you can see how it compares to the water lily (lilies are real big compared to a large majority of flowers, hence it is commonly used to fill up space. Its no a crime that its used for that because it is beautiful). I think the diameter is at least 10cms. The colour was BEAUTIFUL, it was so fresh. They had a very nice matte texture with water droplets all over. Although a simple bouquet, I wouldn't hesitate to say its the best bouquet I have received (along side the one that Lan got me for valentines day). Never have I been so impressed by such a simple arrangement.

I love you ~ 08'0613